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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/16 in all areas

  1. [support]legress left support team for personal reasons
    5 points
  2. RIP trollers dream of ATS ramming
    3 points
  3. ATSMP will use the same profile from ets2mp.com as you currently use for ETS2MP, so if a player is banned on ETS2MP network he is also banned on ATSMP network. so the answer to your question is yes it will be carried over to ATSMP
    2 points
  4. [MOD]Julien78 promoted to full support dualznz joins as trial support danurb25 joins as trial support
    2 points
  5. По моему разработчикам надо создать новые фоны загрузки с ситуациями тарана, блокировки,езда по встречке и прочих нарушений. На этом же фоне жирными буквами написать что такое нарушение карается баном и написать ссылку на правила вождения МП.Понимаю что незнание правил не оправдывает не кого,но хоть какой то процент новых игроков прочтёт правила или узнает о их существовании и не будет нарушать. А мы в это время не будем плохими парнями (по их мнению) которые отправляют на них рапорты.
    2 points
  6. Suggestion Name: Enhance ETS2 Map with basic Steam functions Suggestion Description: Allow a right or left-click on player dots, to use basic steam functions like: add/remove this player to/from my steam friend list show players steam profile (opens a steam browser) show a quick info: how many hours this player played ets2 Any example images: Why should it be added?: easier to make friends and report players easier to evaluate if a player is new to the game / or experienced
    1 point
  7. > OUTDATED < You can find the latest version of this guide here: https://truckersmp.com/kb/27 Hello truckers! "How to become game moderator?", this is a question you might have been thinking about. This topic will contain an answer to that question and some general information that might interest you. First of all, being a game moderator isn't just about driving a police car. A few of you might be reading this topic solely to find out how to drive a police car. This version of the car is only reserved for staff members with game moderator permissions such as our game moderators, managers and developers. Driving a police car is not the main purpose of a game moderator (will be using "GM" as an abbreviation in this topic). It's only an additional perk of the rank. The duties of a GM are not just flying over the map and randomly kicking or banning users. The rank of a GM comes with a great responsibility. A GM deals with various duties on our website and in-game, including website reports, in-game reports and ban appeals, judging what is right and wrong. Every GM is chosen with great care to ensure maximum quality. As of January 2018, there is open GM recruitment, however there is no plan to open it very often. As you may have noticed, GM's are mostly selected from within our current team. To be specific, you need to join our team as another rank in order to get selected for a promotion to GM. Not everyone gets the promotion, there are various of reasons why they are not selected. If you join the team with the aim of being a GM, you are most likely to fail that. We want people to join our team with a big interest in their section of which they applied for. If you are doing well, a Game Manager might notice you and offer you a promotion if they are needing more GM's. It's your choice to accept or decline that if you prefer to remain in your current sub-team. Here is a summarary for the two different paths you could walk to become a GM, see below: Step 1 - Join the team as another rank (Support, Moderator, Media). Step 2 - Work hard, do your duties as you are supposed to and be nice. Step 3 - Offer by GMM to join GM on a trial period. The second option is the following: Step 1 - Make sure you have no bans, good forum activity and good behaviour Step 2 - Once GM recruitment opens, apply to join and make sure you fill your application out with good detail. Step 3 - Invite to an interview, chat with GMMs Step 4 - Training period with both GMMs and GMTLs. Step 5 - Trial Period of 2 months. Some tips and advice we can give you: - Never ask to become a GM, this decreases your chances to become one. - Don't contact anyone about your candidacy for a position as GM. - Don't join the team with the sole aim of being a GM, you will most likely fail to achieve this then. - Don't ask when other recruitments will open. + Do your best if you are selected for another role in the team, do your duties and get noticed in a good way. + Practise your skills of the English language, this will be your main language as GM. + Obey all rules on the forums and in-game, having a ban or warning point decreases your chances. + Be active on our forums, get known in our community and give others a positive impression about yourself. Some related questions Q: Do I need to have both ETS2 and ATS if I would be a GM? A: No, we recommend you do but this is not a requirement. Q: Is being friends with other staff members giving me an advantage? A: No, we select new GM's based on their activity, behaviour and skills. Everyone has an equal chance of being selected. Q: I'm not really interested in the forums, can I skip being a moderator first? A: No, we require you to participate in discussions and the community. It is important to know how our community works if you want to be on the TruckersMP team. Q: I'm never chosen in a recruitment, what can I do? A: Not much, free spots on our team are limited and many are interested in it. Try to improve and try again during another recruitment session. Q: I speak {language}, there are no other GM's who speak this language. Can I become GM right away? A: No, you still need to follow all steps involved. We are not giving someone the GM rank for the language only. Q: I have a question that is not mentioned here, who should I contact? A: Send your question to the feedback, we will try to answer your question as soon as possible.
    1 point
  8. Nazwa Sugestii: Realizm EU#3 Opis Sugestii: Wprowadzenie na serwerze eu#3 ograniczenia do 90km/h i zablokowanie na minimalne przyczepnosci naczepy oraz wlaczenie symulacji zmeczenia na stale Przykładowe obrazki: brak Dlaczego twoja sugestia a nie inna?: Sa osoby poszukujace w tej grze wiekszej dozy realizmu. Fajnie by bylo stworzyc im miejsca gdzie w zblizonych do realnosci warunkach mogli by sobie grac z ludzmi o podobnych zapedach Serwer dla lubiacych predkosz juz jest ( eu#2) dlaczego nie mialo by byc czego dla tych zapalencow ?
    1 point
  9. Hi guys, We have heard users over the past little while and they have been asking for changes in how we ban users and as such, there are some serious changes starting as of right now that will encourage some better behaviour from users. As of now, the administration team will be banning as the following: 1st - 3rd bans are at admin discretion, meaning that they get to select your ban length depending on the rule that you broke. 4th ban is 1 month, regardless of what happened. 5th ban is 3 months, regardless of what happened. 6th ban is permanent with no chance of unbanning. Please note that users should pay attention to how many bans that they have and use your ban durations as a chance to improve behaviour so as to not end up on the admins bad side again. Additional information: For older accounts, that already have a history longer than this, we are starting from where you are currently, if you have 6 bans now and have already had the 1 month ban issued as per old systems, your next ban will be 3 months. Then permanent beyond that with no chance of removal. If you have 5 bans but no 1 month ban yet, your next ban will be 1 month and etc. Regards, ETS2MP Team
    1 point
  10. Fajna zgrana ekipa Więc życzę powodzenia w imieniu firmy RISA
    1 point
  11. I'm not 100% sure about that. But still, players are getting 6 chances already in ETS2:MP. If they manage it to throw all those chances away now, then I'm sure they won't follow the rules in ATS:MP.
    1 point
  12. You are looking at it in the wrong way. Everyone can buy the game and enjoy it as mich as anyone else. We are offering a whole new experience on top of the base game by allowing guests on our private servers. We can take away that privilege if the guest refuses to follow our rules. Since ATS:MP will share the same network as ETS2:MP, being 2 different games doesn't change a thing because it still uses the same network.
    1 point
  13. Can I ask how it could be abused?
    1 point
  14. Polecam firmę niesamowici ludzie , miła atmosfera .
    1 point
  15. Mówiąc szczerze to ta mapka Kalifornii tak upchnięta do tej kolekcjonerki na siłę. Już w dniu premiery będzie jeszcze jeden stan, a już w kolejce jest następny przez co ta mapka staje się mało aktualna. Ja rozumiem mapkę w takich tytułach jak GTA, gdzie wszystko jest już gotowe na ostatni guzik i nie zmienia się tej mapki w czasie aktualizacji.
    1 point
  16. Hello, Have you tried verifying your game cache? To do this, go to Steam > Library > Euro Truck Simulator 2 > Right-click ETS2 > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of game cache. This should look for any files that may be broken or missing and should hopefully fix your crashing. Hope this helps!
    1 point
  17. Да "методом научного тыка". Возьми для начала на 100мкф. Если будет нечётко срабатывать или долго держать, то соответственно увеличить/уменьшить ёмкость раза в два. При параллельном соединении конденсаторов ёмкости суммируются, так что можно набрать кондёров на 10мкф и допаивать их для получения нужной задержки. Не, можно конечно заморочиться, найти даташит на имеющиеся релюшки, выяснить напряжение и ток срабатывания/удержания, сопротивление катушки, и исходя из них и известного напряжения питания посчитать ёмкость конденсатора для надёжного включения реле на, скажем, полсекунды. Но зачем так усложнять? Чувак к тумблеру с тремя фиксированными положениями "вкл-выкл-вкл" присобачил две релюшки с кондёрами, чтобы при включении тумблера в положение "вкл", релюшка делала быстро "вкл-выкл",тем самым имитируя кратковременное нажатие кнопки.
    1 point
  18. I have experienced this problem. If you Alt+F4 the game even in SP it will crash so dont worry too much about that. Not sure about the autosave bit though sorry Thanks Trademark
    1 point
  19. Chcecie urealnic ta gre w postaci dlugich swiatel ktore by razily, lub specjalny serwer z limitem 90km i minimalnie stabilna naczepa wiec urealnijcie i tutaj. a poza tym skad wiesz ze kiedys ci sie nie trafi taki troll w realu ktory bedzie sypal pod prad?? ile to filmow na yt jest jak ktos jedzie pod prad?? Wiec jak kazdy normalny czlowiek w grze zachowuje sie jak przystalo i probuje to ominac.
    1 point
  20. Dobrze, nikt w realnym życiu nie jechał by wprost na gościa , które leci nam na czołówkę, ale w realnym życiu nikt nie sypie Ci specjalnie na czoło, bo chyba każdy normalny człowiek ceni swoje życie... Więc proszę Cię co możemy porównać to porównujmy ale bez przesady
    1 point
  21. SCS is still supporting the game so it's uber hard to add more and more features when you have to port all of them. It was planned from the beginning of the project however i don't think it will be implemented until SCS finish supporting the game.
    1 point
  22. Ciao, con la versione attuale del gioco (oggi è il 27/1/16) puoi dormire anche in MP, senza dover uscire. Se ti dice che non sei abbastanza stanco, in alternativa puoi effettuare uno spostamento rapido in un garage di tua proprietà (se ne hai, altrimenti l'unico disponibile è quello scelto come casa). In questo caso ti consiglio di sceglierne uno vicino al luogo in cui già ti trovi, perché se fai spostamenti lunghi rischi di incasinare altri parametri del gioco (specie per quello che riguarda i dipendenti, se ne hai, ma non solo. Questo perché il gioco ricalcola i tempi di consegna e li riposiziona, ma poi l'orologio viene allineato a quello del server e il risultato è imprevedibile). Fatta una di queste due operazioni, la lista di lavori dovrebbe comparire di nuovo popolata. Dico dovrebbe perché a me ha sempre funzionato, ma non ci posso mettere la mano sul fuoco... :-)
    1 point
  23. C'est pas la peine de faire les victimes, car il y'a un moment ou il faut arrêter de mettre la fautes sur les admins. 1 ban par erreur peut arriver, ou allez grand maximum 2 mais faire croire que les admins mettent 5 bans dans le vent faut pas abuser non plus.
    1 point
  24. Powodzenia, życzę w imieniu swoim jak i całej firmy H&C Logistics
    1 point
  25. Będzie, kiedy będzie. Jeżeli mwl4 będzie chciał podzielić się informacją co do ewentualnej daty to na pewno to zrobi tutaj lub na Facebook'u (jeżeli na FB to na pewno ktoś przekaże tą informację tutaj).
    1 point
  26. Зачем отбрасывать? Вы пытаетесь за уши притянуть свои хотелки. Есть игра Euro Truck Simulator. Есть игра American Truck Simulator, которая должна выйти. По какой логике они должны быть единым целым? Из чего это выходит? Из общих двух из трёх слов в названии игры? То, что они имеют схожий интерфейс и схожую графику абсолютно ничего не означает. Серия NFS вообще отличается только трассами, а так всё одно и тоже. Но это их же продают как разные игры и никого не смущает. Или, например, GTA Vice City и GTA Sun Andreas тоже должны были быть единой игрой, а не продаваться как две разные? Они тоже на одном движке с одинаковой(+/-) графикой.
    1 point
  27. Moja Scania ma ostatnio nowe malowanie. SkyLine wita A eto przedostatnia trasa Przez ostatnie dni na Facebooku krążą dziwne obrazki ,,Bądź jak oni", więc przedstawiam siebie nawiązując do zdjęcia z Rotterdamu To jest Marta. Marta jeździ Scanią po Jewropie. Marta nie ścina zakrętów jak niektórzy kierowcy Mana i włącza kierunkowskazy gdy skręca. Marta jest mądra. Bądź jak Marta Tak dla żartu
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Hello everyone! I have created a different savegame as alternative to that above. I think this might also be useful to some beginners in ETS2MP, or maybe not Level 36 All skill points are maxed out so you can have the widest selection of jobs 20.000.000€ Cash So you can buy any trucks you want and dont have to worry All truck dealers are unlocked: Volvo (London) Scania (Hannover) Mercedes-Benz (Stuttgart) MAN (Munich) Renault (Paris) DAF (Amsterdam) Iveco (Frankfurt/Main) The home garage is located in Stuttgart, Germany g_force_economy_reset has been changed to 0 (its 1 in the original post, i think that is confusing to new players). Language is set to English in the profile, all keyboard binds and settings are default. Change it ingame to whatever you like. This savegame does not require any DLC, can be used in the basic game (tested in version 1.22). Usage: Same as above. Copy it to your "Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/profiles" folder. Start the game. So if you just want to hop into a truck of the brand you like, drive different jobs in ETS2MP with a friend, i think this might help some people out even more than the original. But if you prefer to level up yourself and grind before you can buy the higher trucks and accessoires, use the Level 5 savegame instead. This is just meant as an alternative to that. Download links: http://sharemods.com/988mmvb0k0hc/ETS2MP_Savegame_Lvl36_20MilCash_AllDealers.zip.html http://www.share-online.biz/dl/N52OYM1ORVE http://ets2.lt/en/savegame-for-ets2-mp-lvl36-20mil-alldealers/ Enjoy
    1 point
  30. Takie coś dzisiaj otrzymałem: Monotematyczna choinka, szkoda, że już po świętach. Fakt - to nie jest fajne.
    1 point
  31. [sUPPORT] Julien78, Wapsie, The Leeds Lad, MrHarv and SARAJ also becomes moderator.
    1 point
  32. i dont have any problems seeing ingame at night.. the game is by default way to bright. fix your monitor gamma! -1
    1 point
  33. solution: turn up the game brightness i like night driving
    1 point
  34. [iGA] Soule123 and Wexu kicked due to inactivity.
    1 point
  35. Ja jak widzę takiego typa to włączam nagrywanie i zależy od ładunku,jeśli mam krótką trasę to jadę na niego (oczywiście nadal swoim pasem przy lewej krawędzi) jak typek chce niech "wali" na czołówkę, no chyba że mam ładunek z większym dystansem do pokonania to w miarę możliwości uciekam, ale zdarzają się tacy którzy i tak się wbiją w zestaw. Coraz częściej widzę że ktoś stoi na środkowym,czy nawet lewym pasie na autostradzie i z tym też się nic nie robi...... Co do kwestii czy typ dostanie bana czy nie to zależy tylko od znajomości........ Edit: 16-01-2016 ( 17:40) wszedłem na ETSa 2 ledwo podczepiłem naczepę i taka sytuacja: ręce opadają
    1 point
  36. ^^ They should of kept it that way, but imo this way is easier than the cheat engine way
    1 point
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