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  1. Past hour
  2. I'll give you a bag of chicken nuggets.
  3. Next is our 3rd picture. Unfortunately, I couldn't tag him because he doesn't use the Forum, so he won't be able to see our photo): Additionally, I don't understand why we both have the same license plate, I will think about it Thank you for your time beautiful person! Best Regards, @leyost
  4. hello i'm nice i would like to ask you one thing tell me is it allowed to add music to in the Music folder of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and does it also interfere with the TruckersMP multiplayer tell me if it interferes I won't add music to my radio
  5. Happy birthday 🎂

  6. hello i'm nice i would like to ask you one thing tell me is it allowed to add music to in the Music folder of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and does it also interfere with the TruckersMP multiplayer tell me if it interferes I won't add music to my radio

    1. Chema02


      Hello! You can do It. I don't think it interferes with anything, as in the past, I used the music I wanted, and nothing happened :HaulieLove:

  7. Today
  8. Mack winter or summer ?
  9. Ets 2 may be a truck simulation game, but simulation games have a main vehicle and purpose. Ets is a game that bases its main vehicle and purpose on Trucks. However, other vehicles in traffic will increase the realism of the simulation. Since the bus mentioned in the suggestion is licensed, the same bus cannot be added to the game, but other or similar buses can be added to the game. These newly added vehicles will increase the reality of the simulation.
  10. Dunno why people are getting so mad about it being a TRUCK game… How many of you have actually driven the car? Literally If you don’t want to drive buses nobody is making you but i know if there was a better type of bus in game i’d probs drive it for a change and break from trucks. If you just ignore the fact its a truck game, and look at the decent graphics, map etc, ofc i see why some people want to drive more vehicles around!
  11. I am not a great fan of buses in Trucking Game!
  12. Здравствуйте, Ваша тема неактивна в течение 3 дней после последнего ответа. Из-за неактивности, я переведу эту тему в нерешенные проблемы. Если у вас все ещё есть вопросы, или вы хотите чтобы тема была переоткрыта, напишите мне в ЛС. С уважением, Lyta Aurora Команда поддержки TruckersMP
  13. Happy B-Day 🎂 💌

  14. Gonna miss you mate 


  16. I was actually driving the truck most of the time when the Dbus showed up at TMP. Didn't even notice the buses. This is Euro Truck Sim 2, not Euro Bus Sim 2, my friend.
  17. Take care Wish You The Best❤️

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