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Veteran Driver V
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About RealCraze

  • Birthday 02/20/2005

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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    • Information Technology
    • Meteorology | Severe Weather
    • Programming | JS, Lua
    • Music Production
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
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  1. Fog lights already exist in the game.
  2. Even after reinstalling the TruckersMP launcher, I get the following message:
  3. @NiksGMD At the moment the TruckersMP team doesn't have a set date of when it will be available, they said they will keep us updated whenever they can. I would read this for more information on that.
  4. I wish you a Happy Birthday! :)

  5. Happy Birthday.

    1. MHT_


      Thank you for your best wishes!

    2. RealCraze


      You deserve it, it is your birthday after all. ^_^

  6. Yesterday I just hit 1 year of being on TruckersMP! ❤️

    1. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul



      Please refrain from spamming our Status Updates feature.


      Many thanks,

      Nameless Ghoul.

    2. RealCraze


      I was simply saying "Happy Birthday" to some people and just celebrating a couple things. Sorry.

    3. [MCG] Masunio
  7. Hello, this bug happens with Every Player, depending on the Scenerio. This bug is known to cause Vehicles to what i call "Dead-Stop", but i will get to that in a second. Here is an Example of how the bug occurs: Driver 1 & Driver 2 are driving on the Same Road, Same Direction, going 40+ MPH. Driver 1 is in the Front, and Driver 2 is in the Back. If Driver 2's Vehicle even so touches Driver 1's Vehicle/Trailer, Driver 2 "Dead-Stops", meaning Driver 2's Vehicle AND (if applied) Trailer Stop in the blink of an eye where Driver 2 goes from 40+ MPH to 0 MPH. And often causing tons of damage to Driver 2's Vehicle (Sometimes Trailer). HOW TO RE-CREATE IN-GAME? When you drive behind someone & you crash/touch the back of the driver in front of you, this bug will occur nearly 100% of the time. NOTE: Driver 1 will usually take NO damage, if any 1% - 5%. But that is Rare. This has been a bug ever since TruckersMP has Launched. And this bug ONLY occurs on TruckersMP's Multiplayer, if you start Euro Truck Simulator 2, and crash/touch the back of an A.I. driver, then this bug will not occur.
  8. Just got an alert on my desktop that my hard disk is about to give out. :(



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ScaniaFan89


      If you still have the bad one, drill several holes through it ( destroys the disk & data ) 

    3. RealCraze


      Thanks for the idea.

  9. Thermo King. XD


    Love It.

  10. Happy New Years to Everyone!

    Hope 2019 will be Amazing and Wonderful & Full of Suprises.

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Happy New Year 2019 :wub:

    2. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Happy New Year ;) 

  11. I don't get why this would be posted, and also be on the TruckersMP Website. This will (And did) cause many trollers to break out, and just today (01/02/19) i got rammed probably 5 times in just an hour, this costed me over 100'000 Euros & Counting, this post basically caused chaos. (Especially on EU2)
  12. Suggestion Name: Scout Car Model Fix Suggestion Description: When i'm driving in certain areas, for example: Calais - Duisburg Road, and i'm driving over the Railroad tracks, sometimes the car model makes a weird collision with the Railroad tracks and it flies forward at like 50MPH even if your crossing going at 10MPH and if not that, it makes your car lose traction and it turns and makes you lose control. (I one time was driving on the Calais - Duisburg Road, over the Railroad tracks and i lost control going 5-10MPH because of the weird collision and it made me swerve left into on-coming traffic and i floored it to get out of the way and crash into the ditch, but a truck that was driving and hit the bottom-right of my car and they crashed into the ditch and it made me feel bad about it. I have also had my car lose control while getting on the On-Ramp of the interstate in Brussels because the road is at a weird angle where trucks have no problem, but Scout Cars do, i was driving up this On-Ramp and my car lost traction because of this weird collision and caused my car to swerve left and i crashed into the Rail Guard and my car got %45 Damaged, this has happened several times and the most damage caused was %80 Damaged.) Any example images: No. Why should it be added?: This feature would bring convenience when driving a Scout Car, as it would not make the car lose control and damage the vehicle and have to pay to get it repaired.
  13. Suggestion Name: Add IP Ban for TruckersMP Suggestion Description: When you get permanently banned from TruckersMP, you get IP banned so they can't just create new accounts and ruin the community again. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: To keep TruckersMP more peaceful with a lot less trolls & let Game Moderators have a much more peaceful time Moderating the servers. I think this idea would keep TruckersMP way more peaceful, and keep trolls who are banned for ruining others time on the servers from coming back on a different account. What is an IP Ban? IP ban is a block setup by a server to reject request made from a particular IP or range of IP addresses. ... IP ban is implemented to protect the server from abuse such as brute force attacks, block emails from known spammers and limit usage by users. Still having trouble understanding? How does an IP Ban work >>> https://www.quora.com/How-does-an-IP-ban-work
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