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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by DFS_TV

  1. In case anyone was wondering, I'm still alive :)

  2. Aaaand I'm live on Truckers.FM!

  3. Trucking Thru America, Winter's Coming Part 1; now available to watch on my YouTube channel! 



  4. Last day to enter into my American Truck Simulator giveaway! Anyone can enter!


  5. Want to win a copy of American Truck Simulator? I'm hosting a giveaway! Check it out! 


  6. Part 3 to my American Truck Simulator series is now live! Check it out! https://youtu.be/AY4ajyxArLw

  7. Part 2 of my American Truck Simulator series! Yes, American Truck Simulator! https://youtu.be/ERqZ_FNNxo0

    1. caff!!!


      wow, a ats review driver who doesn't swerve all over the road

    2. DFS_TV


      I'll take it as a good thing? I'm not a reviewer, I'm an SCS Beta Tester :)

  8. New Video: American Truck Simulator - Redding CA to Barstow CA!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stilldre1976


      Cheers buddy i like that white west coast skin :)

    3. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      ah nice i was watching i think it was Squirrel and saw some bug's in game like cars flying e

    4. J&B^
  9. Enjoy some fresh screenshots of American Truck Simulator, from yours truly. ;)https://twitter.com/DFSTV/status/692458240559431680

  10. Take care all! It's time for me to go out, and produce yet another season of Trucking Thru America, for all of you lovely people!

    1. Obico


      This looks a lot more promising and potentially better than Ice Road Truckers. A show of how a trucker goes about it's days without the annoying "drama".

  11. Live now, for the next 3 hours on Truckers.FM! Come and say hello! http://truckers.fm/

  12. Be sure to tune into my midnight party show, occurring in 23 hours! We'll be starting at 9:00 PM GMT, and going up until midnight! Stop by, and say hello! I'm certain you'll enjoy the show! Find more information @ http://www.Truckers.FM/

  13. If you haven't seen already, the fourth season of my American Trucking show, Trucking Thru America, has officially entered the stage of production! Check out the announcement promo here:

    Let me know what you think!
  14. Happy to announce that the fourth season of my show, Trucking Thru America, is officially in production! https://youtu.be/4E3fb-nwyCM

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DFS_TV


      Stuart, it's been gone since... Hm.. A very long time ago.. Pfft. It's been gone since before last year's season.

    3. StuartD
    4. DFS_TV


      It looked... Bad...

  15. Gave my profile and signature a little refresh :)

    1. Puncake
    2. stilldre1976


      Looking good there mate

    3. MrHarv98


      that member title tho xD

  16. Been busy with my company! We just launched our website, check it out! http://www.dwfilms.net/

    1. DJ Lewis

      DJ Lewis

      Nice, good luck. :)



      Looks good. Maybe with a white background, it would be better. Good luck :)

  17. No notice, no chance to say goodbye. Oh well. :\

  18. ~Moved to correct section. If you cannot get an answer here, send in a support ticket via the website.
  19. ~Just released a new project! Check it out, if you'd like! https://youtu.be/1DkfVJy0f-Q

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FirestarteR93


      meh, trucking through America is better(it just has trucks in it xD)

    3. DerAmpelmann
    4. DFS_TV


      @Fire, I prefer that too :P Since school has begun, I haven't had much time to shoot.

      @TruckBro Thank you, good sir!

  20. Just published a project I've been working non-stop for just over a week! Feels good to be done! :)

    1. DFS_TV


      To a certain extent :P. I'll be doing lots of stuffies "behind the scenes" :)

    2. DFS_TV


      Yeah... This Wedding Film took up a lot of time.

  21. EN: I've edited your post, as it included the link. However, you are just trying to warn people about a new virus, which is great!
  22. Hey! Want to add me on Steam? DFS_TV :P

    1. Spirit Omega Wolf
    2. Rudiansyah [ID]

      Rudiansyah [ID]

      I have add you one week ago but you no response :(

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