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Veteran Driver VII
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About Stryke

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    Engines & Electronics
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  • American Garage Location
    California: Sacramento
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    Germany: Kiel
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    Danish & English

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Community Answers

  1. Stryke


    /pinfo doesn't have to be part of the video, a screenshot is also ok. The menu that pops up when you hit report is also enough, you just need to verify the TMP ID is correct.
  2. Your friend needs the same DLC you have to see them.
  3. Quack quack!! :P

    1. Darth Ducky

      Darth Ducky

      Hiya Stryke. Not been on this crappy forum for a long time but thought it was time to see what changes might have been made lol

  4. You can't If it was possible people with a ban history would just unlink their steam account, make a new TMP account and link their steam account again giving them a clean ban history destroying the whole purpose. With the current system you it is still not allowed to make a new account to avoid ban but at least it's not possible with the same steam account.
  5. When you enter your info on Your TruckersMP settings site you're not supposed to enter your nickname but your community URL, if you have a custom URL in your steam profile settings you can also use that. You have entered Superspeed2000 which is your profile name but multiple people can have the same name. However only one person have your community ID which is 76561198208505459 . Just enter that and you'll be good.
  6. In that case i would just set the transmission shifter mode to splitter. skipping most gears only having 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 and 16. If you need 18th gear (unlikely) you can press the range button on your wheel.
  7. I just use 6 speed gearbox and they work just fine. Even with heavy cargo, you do need to let the engine rev quite high on hills but not really an issue.
  8. Happy birthday mate

  9. You have to use the newest release of the game, open STEAM > Library > Euro Truck Simulator 2 > Right Click > Properties > BETAS > Opt Out of All Beta Programs Here is a video.
  10. Once you have linked your TMP account to steam you can't unlink it. It's that was to prevent people from making a new account when they're banned. If you forgot your password or in other ways can't login make a support ticket, they may be able to help you. https://support.truckersmp.com/
  11. How 95% of people drive in ets2mp https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aKVEMBb_460sv.mp4

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _Pingu_


      How most trolls drive there trucks


    3. Lucas Peterbilt
    4. Save


      @Mr_Pingu jeez that guy is insane.. i'm glad they caught him lmao

  12. You didn't do anything, i don't know what whoever was recording thinks you did. Don't worry about it.
  13. Many mods can not be applied in ets2mp even tho they are allowed. such as light mods, save editing, trailer mods and so on. What you have to do is go into singleplayer, use the mod (Change your lights/edit your truck/pickup special trailer), then save, hop into multiplayer and load up your save. If you say specifically what mod you are trying to use maybe i can be of more help.
  14. Who needs a steering wheel when you have a bar stool?


    1. ZuLynx


      Mac Gyver level 9000

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