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Veteran Driver VIII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Kael.

  • Birthday January 5

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Rotterdam

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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Community Answers

  1. Thank you for following ❤️ 

  2. Bergen to Lisbon, a trip with pleasant landscapes. ❤️ 








  3. I found this new home screen interesting, amazing!
  4. The weather here varies, one week it rains, another week it's cold and so on, for now it's 8° in my city, but soon it will be hot.
  5. I believe that in densely populated areas, it can be considered reckless driving, except in some cases such as heavy cargo and the like, but the driver must be aware that picking up heavy cargo with a truck with an engine inferior to that required by the load ends up hindering other players. Just like driving on a highway at a speed well below the permitted speed.
  6. Lately I haven't been reporting players, I think using common sense and understanding what happened is enough, but I've had days where I reported more than 10 players.
  7. Hello. Since I created the account, I like truckersMP because of the simplicity of the MOD, being driving with other players and friends around is enough.
  8. I don't usually use them very often, I just use the game trailers.
  9. Happy birthday!

  10. Hello, @FBTC Cosmic Kishiro Generally on this occasion, there are many applications to analyze during the recruitment period, and therefore, some do not receive a proper response as in your case, to find out more about your application, contact the Game Moderation Management team at: https://truckersmp.com/feedback in the category: Game moderation management explaining the status of your application, they will evaluate it and give you a final response.
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