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Spring giveaway


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Good luck everbody :) 

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H4C8E1 - TruckersMP 

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I'll go first ... because I think this picture is a bit special. As in real life if you drive too fast, you will be stopped( and punish..) and it is not because the winter is over that you can drive at full speed and be dangerous. I like this picture for its background and nature. (mountain, trees, rocks) & (admeeeeeen).



Using a Geforce 750 TI


Beautiful Sunny Spring Day in TruckersMP.



( the lack of grass and low Scaling give me a small disadvantaged but i dont worry to much about it... )

original screenshot basic and 0 retouch (  except size  )(instead of 1920*1080, this picture is 1920*1010)

( main reason is to hide name and this was high enough to be cover soo the picture get more balance in the top part )


Original picture to compare to my "entry" contest picture.(image down)




Good Luck All


(Special thank you to RequieB for this nice moment, i am soo lucky to have keep this image  (^ _ ^)7 .. )


P.S  .. By participating I agree that MY submission can be used by TruckersMP to showcase.


  • Upvote 1
  • HaulieCry 1
  • HaulieLove 3
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