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Wintermod Released


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On 24/12/2017 at 10:41 PM, explocraft said:

I don't know where you live but sometimes there is snow on high-ways. Ok, not everywhere, but still.

I can understand somewere but not EVERYwere and that much.. ;)

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3 hours ago, DanZeMan said:

Devs so im trying to download Multiplayer and it seems it wont work, all it shows me is a picture of nothing, can you fix this? Thanks! :D

if your having issues please submit a ticket on the support system they are very good and helpful, plus this is not the place to post this kind of thing.  https://support.truckersmp.com/

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Hi Simmonsio,

I think you sould reinstall your louncher, and then i think your good to go :D



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On 17.12.2017 at 5:36 AM, Kat_pw said:

Hello and Happy Holidays!

We’re very excited to share some news with you!

First: WINTERMOD IS HERE! Following our normal winter traditions, we are allowing players to play with Frosty Winter Weather Modv 6.5 made by Grimes to use in multiplayer. Thanks again to him for allowing us to use this wonderful mod once again!

Second: We have partnered up with 10gbps.io to be able to distribute wintermod to all of our players! If you're looking for some powerful and fast servers, we suggest you to check them out!

As some of you may remember our first wintermod release, we had only one or two slow servers and it took hours and hours to download. Every year since then, our player numbers keep growing along with file sizes. This means distributing the wintermod gets harder and harder to manage (and pay for!) However, after some talks and looking around 10gbps.io has kindly provided us an extremely high speed server that will be used to bring the wintermod to everyone (and allow our devs to sleep at night knowing there won’t be any slow speeds for players.)

Info : To help with issues of headlights (since wintermod makes the sun set earlier) all players will be forced to drive with headlights enabled. If your truck moves without them on, you will be warned, then kicked from the server.

More information on this partnership (along with lots of graphs and nerdy information) will come out when we have some more usage information. But for now, enjoy the fast download speeds and snowflakes by selecting the wintermod download via the launcher.

One last thing, if you have not yet, check out the AMAZING trailer our media team created for the wintermod on our Youtube


Q: Is there physics change? A: Currently, no, but we are deciding if we should add this.

Q: Will it snow instead of rain? A: Edited Snow effect is now built into the client. :)

Q: Where is the download server located? A: Prague, CZ @ 10gbps.io


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