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TMP Speed ​​Limit


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11 hours ago, ELDEST said:

What do you think is the ideal speed limit for the TMP simulation 1 server?


The ideal speed one should limit oneself to is the speed at which one can permanently control one's vehicle.

This speed often deviates from the posted speed limit, as the posted speed limit is only valid for a specific segment of a road and considers ideal conditions, for example dry weather and undamaged road, etc.

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49 minutes ago, Halaskâr said:

There is no speed limit on the SIM 2 server, but the number of players is low there, people who want to play there are already playing there, people's preference is a 110 km speed limit, suitable for SIM 1


I prefer more than 110km/h and I'm still in SIM 1 because there isn't enough players, otherwise the servers feel even emptier


if there was AI traffic, I wouldn't mind because you can't really go past that anymore.

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Speedlimit of 90 Kph is fine, by the way, i assume there are new Trailers coming for the Turkish Community :troll:






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I think the 110 km speed limit is sufficient and can even be reduced to 90km.

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On 2/5/2024 at 12:50 AM, RazvanRO15 said:

Simülasyon sunucusu olduğu düşünülürse hız idealdir (110km/s). Daha fazla olmamalı, gerçekte kamyonlar 90 km/s hızla gidiyor.

No, i don't agree with you. Most driver goes with 90km/h because its rule. But its not mean trucks top speed is 110km/h. Maybe this limitation is good for Duisburg - Calais Road but

it really makes no sense when you're driving on a German highway.

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6 hours ago, Exnoxy said:

No, i don't agree with you. Most driver goes with 90km/h because its rule. But its not mean trucks top speed is 110km/h. Maybe this limitation is good for Duisburg - Calais Road but

it really makes no sense when you're driving on a German highway.


Trucks can indeed drive faster than 110 km/h. In most countries of the European Union, vehicles over 3,5 tons of weight (trucks) are limited to a speed of 80 to 90 km/h on highways.1

And the german "Autobahn is no exception. As a matter of fact, the truck speed limit on highways in Germany is only 80 km/h.


On certain sections of the Autobahn (but by far not everywhere!), vehicles below 3,5 tons of weight may drive as fast as they want.

However, a maximum speed of 130 km/h is recommended. Ignoring this recommendation can be taken into consideration in your disfavor in case of an accident.


You see, the actual server speed limit of 110 km/h is a trade-off between both.

In general and independent of posted speed limits, one should only drive as fast as one can permanently control the vehicle, and adapt the speed to the traffic situation as well as the weather and road condition.



(1 - https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/driving-abroad/road-rules-and-safety/index_en.htm)

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To me, the speed limit that's in the server it's not relevant, even if there's a 200 limit, i would never drive at that speed;


I think that people who drive dangerously do so regardless of the speed limit, i have often seen people driving dangerously on TMP even at 20/30 km/h; i think a higher limit accentuates dangerous drivers who already drive dangerously usually

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On 2/5/2024 at 2:53 PM, Halaskâr said:

There is no speed limit on the SIM 2 server, but the number of players is low there, people who want to play there are already playing there, people's preference is a 110 km speed limit, suitable for SIM 1

There is a 150 km/h limit on sim 2. Most trucks whilst hauling a load can't reach that speed though

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Hello @ELDEST,


First of all, thank you for taking the time to write this topic and share it with the community on the forum. 


For the speed limit, in my opinion 110 km/h is quite enough on server Sim 1.

Keep in mind that it would not be necessary to keep this limit everywhere, but in some more dangerous and busy stretches of road it would be necessary to keep a lower speed. 



Kind Regards, 




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In my opinion 110 km/h is an ideal limit. Other than CD route there are many players who drive in different areas in Simulation 1, so having such a speed limit which is not too slow allows other players to complete jobs in a fair amount of time. Now, of course they could go to Simulation 2 for higher speeds but they prefer Simulation 1 since there are more players that your come across during your delivery which makes the server lively in comparison to Simulation 2. If there was a greater speed limit, we would see more collisions on the road as some people may choose to drive faster making areas with bends prone to such accidents.

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Since the physics changed and its so much easier to skid or spin out of control for busy areas 110 is perfect, It might be beneficial to drop the speed limit on c-d top help prevent overtaking and reckless driving. I remember before the 110 speed limit and everyone would just see how fast their trucks could go down that road. 


It could be worth adding a reduced speed for c-d like in cities and having the other roads at 110.

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