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About LimeUnlimited

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Flagstaff
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Dresden
  • Known languages
    English, German

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LimeUnlimited's Achievements


Apprentice (3/13)

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  1. Thanks for the follow!

  2. Thanks for the follow!!!!

  3. I would say a solid 5-10 minute cooldown before rejoining is acceptable depending on what they were kicked for, if they were kicked for a truck modification no cooldown, if it was a staff related kick 5-10 minutes would be nice to see.
  4. Thank you also for the follow

  5. Thank you also for the follow

  6. Thanks for the follow!

  7. Thanks for the follow!

  8. Thanks for the follow!

  9. Thanks for the follow:HaulieLove:

  10. Thanks for the follow ❤️

  11. Nothing will ever end any servers of TMP. NOTHING
  12. Welcome back!

    1. ...AdamCat


      thanksss good to be back again ❤️ 

  13. Thanks for the follow!

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