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  1. Hello TruckersMP, Today I am making a tutorial on how to use the new CB radio. It is very simple however people who are new to using it or new to the mod may not know how to use it, hence this Tutorial. Method 1 Using the User Interface to Control the CB Radio Step 1: Open your Tab Menu and right click to bring up the cursor. Step 2: Change the channel by using the right knob. Press it on the right to go up channels and press it on the left to go down channels. Step 3: To talk press and hold "X" and then talk To mute a person click their name on the tab and click the mute function and you will not be able to hear them (this is bugged in the video so you can still hear them) To turn the radio off, press the far button on the left. Method 2 Using In-Game Chat Commands to control the CB Radio. To use the chat window, you need to press 'Y'. /channel <X> - Changes the current CB Radio Channel eg: /channel 19 /channel 0 - Turns off the CB Radio Video Tutorial:- Remember rules still apply on the CB Radio, so no insulting and bad language. If you see this be sure to report them on the website. http://truckersmp.com/reports
  2. Hello truckers! While you are driving on the game, you usually prefer to use the cb radio to communicate with other players/friends or use other communication methods (for example chat or discord)? Thank you for your answer. Kind Regards, ROMANISTA [ITA] TruckersMP Veteran Player
  3. I pressed X on the keyboard, and there was no response in the game. By default, I pressed X again, but I couldn't activate the microphone. I tried to reinstall the driver, restart, etc., and the settings in the tab didn't work, and the test didn't respond.
  4. Suggestion Name: Change the place of the CB on the Volvo Suggestion Description: Change the place of the CB on the Volvo Any example images: I Image Credit: Vader Why should it be added?: You cannot see what channel you are on because the button to change channel is blocking the number
  5. i have the thrustmeter tmx and i want to put the cb button on the x button so I can use the cb when driving I am using simhub idk how to do it but i would like some help
  6. After the last updates (idk exactly which of them) the cb radio "display" has stopped showing the channel and generally working.
  7. As I've seen in videos, the CB radio in your truck is supposed to be interactive and on when you first join, and you have the option to turn it off or change the dial to switch channels. My radio is blacked out and any keybind/button clicking/voice activation (x) doesn't work. I've tried to re-install both the drivers (Fn + F1 in the launcher) and re-installing the launcher (and deleting the files) and they don't work. Is there any other solution to solve my problem?
  8. My CB keeps changing channels by itself even leaving CH 19 as default, is it a wrong configuration or a bug? Has anyone else been there?
  10. Suggestion Name: CB Radio Suggestion Description: Adding a function to use on steering wheel or controller. Why should it be added?: I think it would be alot easier to have the CB button closer to hand when using a steering wheel or controller, as it means taking your hand of your wheel to try and then find the x button on your keyboard, probably giving less chance of crashing or not paying attention to whats in front of you.
  11. Suggestion Name: New location for the CB channel switching Suggestion Description: So instead of having to switch CB channel manually on the radio, you can instead have some buttons on tab which can then display which channel you're on, and the buttons to either switch up or down. But I think the original switching method should be kept because it is realistic, and I'm all up for that! Any example images: Nope Why should it be added?: I think that will be much more convinient since you don't have to adjust your camera upwards and press on the clunky radio. You can just open tab and press some buttons there. The same as reporting. And I also think that many people are a bit unsure about how to switch channel on the CB. So it will get much more clear how you do it.
  12. Hi,weiss jemand wie wo der funk eingestellt wird? Kanal und so? Dank vorab
  13. Εάν είστε αρχάριος και δεν ξέρετε πώς λειτουργεί το cb έχετε έρθει στο κατάλληλο θέμα. το cb είναι για την ομιλία και όχι για το τραγούδι (αυτό λέω γιατί μερικοί το κάνουν). Προσπαθήστε να ακολουθήσετε τα επόμενα βήματα 1) Στην αρχή θα δείτε ένα ραδιόφωνο πάνω από εσάς όπου θα έχετε έναν αριθμό. 2) A. Αυτό το κουμπί είναι το off-on B. Αυτό το κουμπί είναι η συχνότητα με την οποία θέλετε να μιλήσετε (υπάρχει 1 έως 20) 3) για να μιλήσετε μέσω του cb πατήστε το πλήκτρο Χ (Δεν γίνετε να αλλάξετε κουμπί είναι πάντα το Χ προς το παρόν) 4) Αν κάνετε δεξί κλικ, θα σας βγάλει ένα κίτρινο βέλος. 5) για να δυναμώσετε ή να χαμηλώσετε το μικρόφωνο σας A. θα ανοίξει την καρτέλα (Τad) B. κάτω γωνία αριστερά θα πατήσετε το γρανάζι C. Στη συνέχεια, πατήστε Sound D. Κάτω εκεί που λέει Microphone volume (στην μπάρα, πηγαίνετε δεξιά δυναμώνει και όταν πηγαίνετε αριστερά χαμηλώνει το μικρόφωνο) Σας ευχαριστώ για το χρόνο σας. Ελπίζω να σας κάλυψα. Αν έχετε κάποιο άλλο πρόβλημα, μπορείτε να μου πείτε. English: Χαιρετισμοί, Sergios
  14. Hi , i have a problem with the CB RADIO CHANNEL. I use the default key that is "x" to active the left turn light , so suggest that in the options menu on the ETS2MP to activate the option "CB CHANNEL KEY" to change the defult to the user one. Sorry about my english. Translate this: ----------------- Hola estimados desarrolladores y usuarios de ETS2MP y ATSMP. Me gustaría dar a conocer mi problema y a ser posible , su solución, para que sea implementada en las siguientes versiones del mod. Mi problema es que para utilizar la emisora incluida en todos los camiones con este mod para hablar con otros jugadores , se ha de pulsar una tecla por defecto, la letra "x", en anteriores versiones la letra "v". Ahora va mi solucion. En los ajustes del tabulador del mod, incluir una casilla para seleccionar la tecla deseada para que funcione como activador de la emisora, ya que en mi caso la letra "x" la utilizo como intermitente izquierdo. No les puede adjuntar una imagen de lo propuesto por el momento, si algun admin lo requiere se la adjuntare con su debido permiso por otros medios. Gracias, y un saludo. "JOSE ANTONIO (ESP)."
  15. How Do U Work CB on Ets2MP?????????? Cheers & Thaxs. ETS2MP Driver:Shankillwillie Cheers &Thaxs 4 The Info In How 2Get My handset Workin.
  16. Hello mates, i'm trying to solve a problem for over 2 evenings now regarding the "cb voice" command, normally as i've seen on several posts, that command should be "x" button. but for some unknown reason, seems it's not working at all... Microphone works fine on any other program and in windows settings, the thing is, even if the microphone is not working i guess i should still see the icon show up when i press "x" right? i've been trying all mentionned (as far as i have found them) like: Make sure that the correct device is selected in Steam> Settings> Communication> Voice recorder, then test the microphone from the same place. Open the game. On the desktop, right click on the speaker icon in the bottom right corner of the following launch bar and come to the "Recording Devices" section. Make only one selected. Press "TAB" key in the game and try to make Voice Chat settings from Settings Steam > Settings > Contact > Sound Recorder make sure that the correct device is selected here. Try to uninstall the drivers sound (Realtek) remove. Download and install again Try turning up the volume. Go Tab > Settings > Sounds a have a play with the sound levels "My Documents-ETS2MP" can you delete the folder and try again Run the multiplayer mod as admin I have also tried to delete truckersmp (personal files as well) and reinstal, as well as ets2 and i just can't find the problem :-( Even tried by removing my config & command files in my documents... that "x" button is just not working in game (has not been allocated either by another function) though it's working as i'm using here in the teXt. any more ideas are welcome, cheers ;-)
  17. Hallo Nederlandse TruckersMP gebruikers, In deze gids leg ik je uit hoe je de CB Radio gebruikt. Het is eigenlijk heel makkelijk, maar mensen die niet bekend zijn met deze modificatie hebben soms geen idee hoe ze de radio moeten gebruiken, daarom deze gids. Stap 1: Open het [TAB] menu (door - je raadt het al - op TAB te drukken), en klik eenmalig met je rechtermuisknop om een muis te laten verschijnen. Stap 2: Je kunt het kanaal veranderen door de rechter draaiknop te gebruiken. Wanneer je rechts op de knop drukt, gaat het kanaal één omhoog (vb: van 19 naar 20), en wanneer je links op de knop drukt, gaat hij één kanaal omlaag (vb: van 20 naar 19). Stap 3: Om te praten, houd [X] op je toetsenbord ingedrukt, en begin dan met praten. Als het goed is, moet er een luidspreker-icoontje verschijnen linksonder in je beeld. Dit betekent dat je microfoon aanstaat en dat anderen je kunnen horen. Om een persoon te muten (je kan hem dan niet meer horen), ga je terug naar het [TAB] menu. Vervolgens klik je op de naam van de speler, en klik dan op de mute knop (het icoontje dat linksonder in het TAB menu staat, als er een rode streep door het icoon staat, is de player gemute, staat er geen rode streep doorheen, dan kan je hem alsnog horen). Om de radio uit te zetten, klik je op de meest linker knop onderin het radio-paneel. Video uitleg (deze is weliswaar in het Engels, maar kan een goed alternatief van deze gids zijn): Onthoudt wel dat de algemene spelregels ook op de CB Radio gelden, en je dus niet mag schelden of aanstootgevende content mag gebruiken. Als je ziet dat een ander wel de regels breekt, maak dan een report aan: http://truckersmp.com/reports Guide has been translated by Frosty. from English to Dutch, the original English guide has been made by El1teZombiezHD.
  18. It's too much annoying to hear a lot of sound from cb radio in a high traffic area as like Calais,Duisburg... Can I stop this for a while when I was in high traffic???
  19. Suggestion Name: Vox option for CB Suggestion Description: Allow a vox option which would activate the CB when mic input is detected. This allows "realistic" TX operation when you have a handheld mic with PTT button connected to your PC. Any example images: Why should it be added?: I had the idea of rigging up a boom, retractor, and cheap amateur radio mic so I can have a handheld mic that dangles in my "cab", but to my dismay, there is no vox option so I have to use two hands to hold 'X' + PTT at the same time. This completely defeats the purpose of making the CB easier to use than with a conventional mic. I have been unable to find any software that can detect audio input to toggle a key (Joy2Key and similar do not detect audio devices as joysticks). This seems like a feature that TruckersMP would have to implement.
  20. Siema wszystkim to jak z tym kanałem cb radio na jakim polska siedzi aktualnie ? bo 19 to wszyscy tam siedzą a polski kanał cb radio by się przydał czasem odezwać się ostrzec ewentualnie także jak btw teraz jest z tym kanałem ? ...
  21. Witam, mam grę ETS 2 od sierpnia tego roku i od tego czasu mam problem z CB radio, mogę z niego korzystać prawidłowo lecz po dwóch minutach rozmowy na CB radio nagle nie mogę rozmawiać i nie pokazuje się ikonka mikrofonu a dodatkowo nie mogę pisać na czacie i muszę reset gry robić. Robiłem format komputera itd i nadal to samo. Tak mam aktualne sterowniki. Będę wdzięczny za pomoc ponieważ już ten problem mnie denerwuje, chce sobie porozmawiać z ludźmi i rozmawiam a po paru minutach nie mogę rozmawiać ani pisać na czacie a tych ludzi nadal słyszę.
  22. english: very good day. I would like to ask if there is any way to configure the talk botton or X key to another botton, or in your case I would suggest that you could costomize that key. in advance thanks and best regards Spanish: buen dia mi pregunta seria si existe alguna manera de configurar la tecla para hablar o la letra X a otro boton, o de ser posible dar la sugerencia de poder personalizar la tecla le agradezco la molestia y de antemano gracias
  23. Nazwa Sugestii: Blokada na korzystanie z CB. Opis Sugestii: Chciałbym zaproponować blokadę na CB, za jego niewłaściwe używanie. Gdy delikwent śpiewa, krzyczy, wydaje durne dźwięki, czy puszcza muzę na CB mógłby dostać blokadę na CB. Przykładowe obrazki: Może być przykładowy filmik? :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJZrXGVEX-k Dlaczego twoja sugestia a nie inna?: Grałem kiedyś w pewną grę (tytułu nie pamiętam). Jak spamowałeś na czacie, dostawałeś bana na czat, trolowałeś w komunikatorze głosowym w grze, dostawałeś MUTE, ale w grę cały czas mogłeś grać... Można by było tutaj takie coś wprowadzić.
  24. Siemka ! Czy jest mozliwosc zmienienia przycisku mowienia na cb radio w ets 2 mp ? Z góry dzięki !
  25. Hi there guys! I've just got a quick little question here for you: (since I am not sure if people hear me when I talk) 1) Is anything supposed to "pop up"/show up on your screen when you talk (like an icon or something) or is there nothing on the screen that tells you whether you're talking or not? 2) Does binding V to something (I've set V to "light-horn") affect the CB-radio? (like that it makes you unable to talk or something) If you've got an answer, feel free to tell me! Have a good day! =}
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