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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Rakib*

  • Birthday 03/01/1999

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Gaming,Simulator Game,Long Journey
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Dortmund
  • Known languages

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3547 profile views

Rakib*'s Achievements

  • Well Followed

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  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. hey dude whatsup??

    1. Athir*


      Fine. Dude!

  3. Welcome Back Police Girls :love::love:



  4. what a profile pic of GM...



    btw whats up??

  5. congratulations 

  6. Thanks For the follow

  7. Thanks for the follow dude !:D

    1. Rakib*




  8. It's too much annoying to hear a lot of sound from cb radio in a high traffic area as like Calais,Duisburg... Can I stop this for a while when I was in high traffic???
  9. I want to ask a question... I was Banned For Permanent For my nametag on tmp... And the admin said to change the tag and make an appeal.. Then he will unban me.. I do the same thing and also unbanned.. We know that if a ban appeal is accepted the history of his punishment also removed from his profile.. But my question is as my appeal was accepted why not they remove the punishment history?? why it's show's on my punishment history?? I Want to know that..
  10. I have take an skoda on mp...But didn't get the speed more than 50km/h.. What is the solution for thar???
  11. Thanks Men For the follow...


    Have a nice.day 

    1. AdaBey


      You're Welcome. ^^

    2. Rakib*


      Thanks mate

  12. Seriously???

    You are not a game moderator now??



    I never expect that it will happen...!!

    I alws proud to said that there is a police girls in tmp...And U know how sweet this police girl tag was???

    I don't know why u are now only a driver..

    But wish to see you again as a game moderator...


    Police Girl 

    Love & Respect 

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