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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by MonoMuffins

  1. Driving LIVE on Hell's road! :D



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LordBenji


      Hey, his videos are called road rage because he rages at people's poor driving behavior. It's his choice indeed, and I also do love to drive on that road. When driving there, you have to stay alert and watch your surroundings.

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I love driving that road 2 :) Very busy and you never know what will happen around the next corner :lol: Love the chaos :D Can be quite entertaining ;) Challenging 2 (have yet to make it out with 0% damage)

      Lots of people like to go on that road and people like to watch others react to peoples poor driving (like MonoMuffins does in his videos)  :D

    4. MonoMuffins
  2. A convoy dedicated for the awful event that occured in Manchester is taking place in London Eu3. Leaving at 07:10 BST.

    1. v8Smokin


      Thank you for showing your support.

  3. Drove live an hour ago, came to duisburg with 100% damage on the trailer... epic.

  4. Driving LIVE on hell road



    1. Guest


      Good luck and be safe out that area

    2. MonoMuffins


      This is the new stream 



    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Must watch this later :D

  5. When is the new Scania coming to ETS? :) 

  6. 3rd time I've flown...




  7. Should it be banable if somebody spawns in the middle of the road causing 100 % damage? Ithink it should be...

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      If my game crashes and I'm in a car I go into MP but before I hit drive I go into truck browser and hit drive on one of my other cars or trucks :) of course that won't work if your in a truck with a trailer :unsure:

    3. MonoMuffins


      @Miles! Yeah, my truck is some sort of "truckopter". It can fly and drive ;) Super efficient.

      @buksee Thank you! :) 

      @TheMcSame Thank you! :) 

  8. Driving LIVE on hell's road! :D 


  9. I flew over hell's road...


    go to 28:15 



    1. Miles!


      Oh my god hahahahahahah that was incredible 

      the guy you hit when you landed must have been so confused


    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      LOL XD :lol::lol:






  10. Always nice to hit your knee when you fall off your chair recording. I am actually bleeding. 



  11. New video up on my chanel for you who are intrested! :D 



    1. MonoMuffins




      My english is on point as always...

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Love these :D Great video :)

    3. MonoMuffins


      ^Thank you! :) 

  12. 100 subscribers!!! :D Thank you all so much!!

  13. I am 2 subscribers away from 100! Amazing! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MonoMuffins
    3. Zovonic


      Haha! Very funny for a 100 subscriber channel...


      I gave you a sub :)

    4. MonoMuffins


      Thank you very much! :) 

  14. Didn't know you could fly in euro truck simulator...



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [TSRVTC] Janty

      [TSRVTC] Janty


    3. [TSRVTC] Janty

      [TSRVTC] Janty

      acctually one of the funniest the way u react lol

    4. MonoMuffins


      @janty2016 hahaha thank you! :)

  15. Game keeps crashing after driving for less than 1 min. Why?

    1. Penguin


      Please create a Help Topic.

    2. MonoMuffins


      Problem is solved! Thank you :) 

  16. I reported this driver and the admin who declined said that everything was my fault... What do you think?



    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. MonoMuffins
    3. [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      if you wanna complain about your report, please read this thread 

      add the link in your email, so that the higher staff can validate it



  17. 125 tonnes challenge on youtube!


  18. Hello! I got myself the 125 ton mod which works great on singleplayer but I can't somehow get it to work on MP. I pick my trailer in Singleplayer but when I then open MP it says "Game changed, all deliveries have been cancelled...". Does anybody know what to do? Thank you
  19. Hello! Does anybody know how to get the 125 ton mod to work on multiplayer?

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      you have to pick up the trailer in SP and then go into MP

      Use the weight mods here (standard ones for normal game trailers)


    2. MonoMuffins


      Thank you very much :)

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  20. Soon at 100 subscribers! :D


    Thank you all very much!



  21. Isn't it great when you've just taken a 24h job and somebody crashes into you after the first turn?


    Gotta love it.

    1. Mirko9


      Thats really bad.

    2. MonoMuffins


      Here, I recorded it too 



  22. I have never experienced so much road rage from one person before... I recorded everything!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MonoMuffins


      If you want to see more road rage head over to my MAIN channel --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtPqvJnxDMfcQhR26L1fyVg


      But yes I agree with you all!


  23. Why does it take 2 weeks to go through a report?

    1. stilldre1976


      Busy busy  I expect they all get done in the end and justice for all :D

    2. Titanic4


      There's approx.1380 reports to handle at the moment. 

    3. MonoMuffins


      Wow! Then I understand, jeez...

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