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[Viva] Ryannm

Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by [Viva] Ryannm

  1. Shhh I know, I know I'm not consistent with uploads :/ sorrrrry pls don't send me hate D:


  2. Another video Shaming the bad drivers out there! (no hate to them tho pls :P )


    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Love the video thumbnail :lol:

    2. [Viva] Ryannm

      [Viva] Ryannm

      As i showed yesterday, Its the most fun part, Driving like a maniac until you get the perfect shot :D


  3. Its you....



      i can see you're very observant 

    2. [Viva] Ryannm

      [Viva] Ryannm



      love me please also follow me coz i need friends




      ive already followed you

  4. Heres another one this took many many attempts to take the perfect shot! 

  5. Making the thumbnail for the videos is the most fun part :D :troll:

  6. A couple months ago I stopped making funny moments compilations and deleted them all But im gonna try to start again as its something I do enjoy and I hope others enjoy too!


  7. Want to sync your jobs with other VTC members or friends? I've made a quick video explaining how to sync your jobs up!


    1. Guest


      Hey! This saves me time, I won't need to make a video for my drivers! We seem to help many people over text, this should be able to help! Thanks a lot.


    2. [Viva] Ryannm

      [Viva] Ryannm

      Np just trying to help others I realized there is not much to explain how to install this tool while doing a convoy with my VTC and I wanted to help others with this issue too!

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang
  8. Went all the way through Italy yesterday, Highly recommend the DLC for anyone who hasn't yet got it!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Guest


      How dare you offend a Volvo. :unsure:


    3. [Viva] Ryannm
    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Italy is beautiful :wub:

  9. FFNpMLU.jpg
    Made it to the Petrol Station with only 7L of fuel left earlier thank god i didn't run out when I was on C-D that would have been chaos!


    1. Guest


      Hey, I can certainly agree, that would not have been pretty.


  10. Kvq8kmy.jpg
    Never normally drive other trucks other than Scanias and Volvos but I cant stop driving the MAN TGX, Beautiful truck and looks great with the Legacy Freight Logistics  Paint job.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      Heya, that does indeed look quite nice! Nice job!


    3. _Pingu_


      drive it with no sun visor, and its the biggest windscreen in the game

    4. [MCG] Kien Giang
  11. When you dont go on the forums for 5mins aA6vnng.png


  12. http://ets2c.com/view/68018/ryan-fme-zurich-stokes Convoy next weekend! Starting in Zurich Going through a wonderful scenic route all the way to the beautiful Milano !

  13. Eu 3 is lagging like hell im getting an 8000 ping on here....


    1. ScaniaFan89


      Eu 2 is also, they are looking into it 

  14. Scout Transport Are doing a stream https://www.twitch.tv/djhamp

  15. Burner, Daddy, come on eu2 and come to calais id 584 ramming people out of non-collision zones for over an hour now please <3

    1. Samiz [FIN]

      Samiz [FIN]

      he is doing it still there 

    2. Aestrial


      You should just report users either in-game using the system  or on the website. Asking admins on a status is unlikely to get any attention. 


      Have a a great night. 

    3. SvenCRO


      Setting this status to admins profile accomplish nothing

  16. anyone else just get kicked from EU#2? lol i got kicked and it said it was trying to reconnect and i was 416th in Que there was around 3000 players on at the time and now its just over 500 wtf? 

    1. SvenCRO


      So you have quite a long wait to re-connect to the server

    2. KhaosHammer


      Server authentication crashed yes.


      But it's back now. Just wait +/- 3min and it'll reconnect you. ;)

    3. SvenCRO


      I know I have a lot of experience ;)

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