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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Penguin

  1. Good Luck! All the best with Support :D

  2. Congratulations on Veteran Driver, sorry it's one day late :P 

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Got rammed 3 times today by one person - Triple checked the ID because they only signed up this morning!

    First ban on their first day XD 

  5. Just life the Dog's life advert, I am for life, not just for Christmas :3 

  6. Congratulations on Joining Support!!

  7. Unnamed Community users, our forums are back online and our site is over at http://unnamed-community.cf/forum/


    Please sign up! :3 

    1. KrazyMudkip


      This looks alot like truckersmp forum

    2. Penguin


      @krazymudkip We designed it like that so users would be familiar with it and it should reduce confusion :) 

    3. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul


      The forum software IPB default theme is that.. so no wonder some look the same. But we're using MyBB with an IPB theme. ;)

  8. Just brought Vive La France and Going East DLC!! Unfortunately, cannot afford Scandinavia until after Christmas, but at least I can do a bit more of the 12 hour Christmas Convoy!!!

    1. [M.K] xing zai

      [M.K] xing zai

      Christmas Day estimated more people, we Chinese players also come and appreciate the fun of ETS2 and ATS. Hope that we take care of, thank friends all countries support.

  9. Loving the new Leaderboard!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Penguin


      The Reputation system's been replaced as well D: I liked the old one :P 

    3. Penguin


      Rep's back to what it was :P For how long I don't know ;) 

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  10. Unnamed Community users, we're currently uploading all the files to new the server and still encountering some issues along the way. We will keep trying different ways to bring up our services. Again, we apologise about this inconvenience, we are working as fast as we can: http://unnamed-community.cf/

    1. KrazyMudkip


      "unnamed community"




      where do you people come up with such creative names

  11. Unnamed community users. We are currently switching webhost and are encountering some issues. We expect everything to be up by tomorrow. We apologise for any inconvenience! http://unnamed-community.cf/

  12. Come and join our online community and VTC! 


  13. Happy Birthday :D

    1. OriginalDoubleO
    2. Penguin


      No worries, hope you have a wonderful day :)

  14. Could someone please accept my Bug Report? It contains a bug related to the Website for Christmas Convoy, thanks :P 

  15. Well, at least half of me made it onto the M1... :P 



  16. Congratulations!!

  17. Ah the Irony when the status page is the only thing down:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Penguin


      @uuu100145j No, that's an unofficial tool - status.truckersmp.com is correct.


      @Mirko9 That won't help. It's nothing to do with Google, sorry.

    3. KayyJayy:D


      Since it's unofficial it won't be maintained by the TMP team. Not surprising that it's down.

    4. Penguin


      @uuu100145j You've got the wrong idea.


      status.truckersmp.com - Is the official status page of TruckersMP.


      stats.truckersmp.com is used for monitoring servers, not the general website status etc.


  18. Congruatulations!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Penguin


      :o I want *_* :D Do your store do deliveries? :P 

    3. Penguin


      To Antartica?

    4. Forraz


      No, I can mail them! :) However they might melt :( 

  19. Made it! Got my 500 posts and can now change my user title! :D

  20. Guy blocking at lights, I get told it's Insufficient Evidence... D:




  21. This sums it up pretty well:


    1. sgpch1983
    2. MindlessGonzo


      I wanna make an entitlement joke but the forms prohibit political talk.

  22. Congratulations!!

  23. Come take a look at LavenderCourage's stream, raising money for GCGG. GCGG stands for Good Community, Good Games.

    She's just beaten the weekend $500 target! Come and support her! Excellent streamer, and does trucking here as well!

  24. Congratulations on making it to full Support!

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