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Veteran Driver VII
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About blakeisagamer12

  • Birthday 06/12/2000

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    Youtube,Computers,Technical Help/support
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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. happy birthday  🥳❤️

  3. Happy Birthday :rolleyes:

    1. blakeisagamer12


      :) Thanks bud sorry for two months delay don't play this as much, getting back into it now due to bought a gaming pc!

  4. i do wait and it wont work
  5. it can't be the fix as it is complety freezes mouse my game is frozen it ant change
  6. i3 6gb ram x64 nivida geforce 525m
  7. So my games been having massive issues like freezing while sleeping or fast traveling. Game is running slower. Everything is super buggy. IDK what to do, and when i go sp it's fine???
  8. Hi everyone my name is Blake Bailey but on YouTube it is Flames Driving. We are currently hosting in are Virtual Trucking Company as Transpoort Gaming a application form for a new ETS2 series we are doing. So let me explain what you are getting into? We are making a show based in ETS2 as a mental truck driver but it's a version type mix like GTA gameplay. We are looking for people to help out making a trailer so we need actors,Media Team Members,Caution Team,Narrator,Voice Actors,Script writer's. If you meet any of those mentioned than make sure you sign up with this link [link]https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSciqFtBIuykqave8aHHyHdXCIqwwa7T5koBG5dSBBLmKLdMHw/viewform#response=ACYDBNi595JgbVSr29u9t13v5i-JkT6xCv4H4AxPSneMwFNfSvl6tvSFm9FMSA[/link] Feel free to try out and if your asking about payment that will be discussed in a later date meeting. Thanks for your cooperation and I hope to see you guys try out 

    Flames Driving
    VTC,Transpoort Gaming

    1. Syntog


      You already made a topic about this, please stop spamming the forum. 



  9. Thanks trying this!!
  10. Nope i wait like forever and usually its instant for me
  11. did already
  12. its nothing to do with that its started happening ever since i applied developer mode and reinstalled my game to remove it and nothing now works even reionstalled truckersmp
  13. I wait like 10 mins nothing.
  14. I do and it just stays like that and than frezzes my monitor even out of my game
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