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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Penguin

  1. Not sure if anyone's noticed but there have been a few suggestions come through recently that haven't followed the given format.


    Seeing that about a week ago, a few people called me out for backseat moderating, I've taken notice and just responded with helpful content ^_^


    @TruckBro Thanks for letting me know where I was going wrong - Hopefully you'll find I'm no longer back-seating now :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DerAmpelmann


      You'll always be backseat moderator for meh, even if you become a mod (jk) :P

    3. Penguin


      @TruckBro Aha, thanks... I guess :P

    4. Penguin


      @TruckBro As long as you don't think of me as a bad person as such, I don't really mind :P

  2. Oh would you look at that we now have a Vanity URL! Join now at https://discord.gg/plasma

  3. Only 9 DAYS to my convoy!! Please come along!! Let me know you're going by signing up here: http://ets2c.com/view/66749/penguin-strasbourg-wgcc

    1. [TPH] Zyph

      [TPH] Zyph

      If not too busy then I will join! hehe

    2. M.J.


      wow, 9 days. When you go away, time flies by. Thought I had more time to prepare myself XD

  4. Planning my first SOFTUF Convoy! http://ets2c.com/view/66749/penguin-strasbourg-wgcc

    1. NoTime4name
    2. Fading


      Guys, you need to be SOFT at this convoy... :troll:

  5. Please sign up to our event, we're going to Kirkenes Quarry! https://plasmagc.com/event/promods-journey-to-kirkenes-quarry

    1. [Viva] Ryannm

      [Viva] Ryannm

      long time no see

    2. Penguin


      I'm here, just lurking :P 




    Don't forget our upcoming Convoy and TruckFest on December 2nd at 7PM UTC!
    We'd love for you to come and take part! 


    Event details - https://community.softuf.com/threads/softuf-community-convoy.1306/




    Additionally, please mark your attendance through ETS2C and/or Truckers.events:

    ETS2C - https://ets2c.com/view/77115/penguin-amsterdam-sea-port
    Truckers.events - https://truckers.events/event/796-SOFTUF-Community-Convoy


    We hope to see you there!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Soul Knight

      Soul Knight

      I really want to participate but it is too late.:(

    3. Penguin


      @Soul Knight That's a shame! You're more than welcome there! To know about our events in good time, you should join our Discord: https://discord.softuf.com - That will ensure that you know about our events as soon as we post them!

  7. Take a break from the current stress going around, join our VTC! https://plasmatrucking.com

  8. Thanks all for coming to tonight's convoy! It went so well without a hitch! If you want to join more of our events, please go to https://discord.softuf.com:D Waddle On!

    1. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul

      I didn't go but you know I miss you. ;)

  9. Unnamed Community users, our forums are back online and our site is over at http://unnamed-community.cf/forum/


    Please sign up! :3 

    1. KrazyMudkip


      This looks alot like truckersmp forum

    2. Penguin


      @krazymudkip We designed it like that so users would be familiar with it and it should reduce confusion :) 

    3. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul


      The forum software IPB default theme is that.. so no wonder some look the same. But we're using MyBB with an IPB theme. ;)

  10. Unnamed Community users, we're currently uploading all the files to new the server and still encountering some issues along the way. We will keep trying different ways to bring up our services. Again, we apologise about this inconvenience, we are working as fast as we can: http://unnamed-community.cf/

    1. KrazyMudkip


      "unnamed community"




      where do you people come up with such creative names

  11. Unnamed community users. We are currently switching webhost and are encountering some issues. We expect everything to be up by tomorrow. We apologise for any inconvenience! http://unnamed-community.cf/

  12. Waddle over to the new SOFTUF VTC! Open for all players! https://discord.softuf.com - We have many upcoming events for people to get involved in!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Penguin


      I'm already in it Krav :P 

    3. InvasiveSpark


      why you do dis to me penguin!! I wanna join but im already in a VTC :(

  13. Want to join an awesome gaming community, including ETS2 & ATS? https://softuf.com/

  14. Want to join an awesome gaming community, including ETS2 & ATS? https://softuf.com/

    1. Baldemar TR

      Baldemar TR

      Yeahhhh softuf :D and also join Softuf forum 

  15. We're going to Kirkenes Quarry, want to come? Sign up! https://plasmagc.com/event/promods-journey-to-kirkenes-quarry

  16. We've now put the SOFTUF event on ETS2C! http://ets2c.com/view/71754/penguin-dover-hotel

  17. What are your thoughts on the new Italia DLC? https://softuf.com/threads/italia-dlc.30/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      My thoughts are... will someone gift me it... or should I just wait till Christmas sale and buy it?? lol

    3. RapidFellow


      ^ same here xP I will either buy it in the next days or wait till the sale

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I'm waiting till its fully MP supported to buy it :P

  18. Yey :D I got to see @TruckBro today as well!! ^_^



    Sorry I couldn't stay and hit the road with you mate - Really wish I could.

    Another time maybe ;)


    *waves flipper*

  19. Hey sorry about asking, but please could someone take a look at my reports? I know the admins have a high workload, but it's been 2 days since reporting and going on 3 :P Thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Leo35


      you just have to be patient :)

    3. Penguin


      @Truckerleo29 Guess I don't have much choice in that one ;):P 

    4. Leo35
  20. There we are :D

    1. KrazyMudkip
    2. FirestarteR93


      @Penguinexpert1 You are aware that this "suggestion" basically means to allow harassment....

    3. Penguin


      @FirestarteR93 Yeah, I've realised. I'm just about to message TruckDriver to apologize

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