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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Inthernet

  1. FCT's Convoy from Head to Tail. Thank you for this fantastic event!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jeezyn
    3. Inthernet


      I've uploaded everything I have in my channel. The long ones are mainly for FCT use but if you enjoy truckspotting at real-time speed, enjoy!

    4. j3ykobim


      5-6 km long convoy? :D

    1. jx_23


      What convoy is that?? :o

    2. jacoblovekw


      Thanks for coming :D

    3. [LKW Tr.] Elliot [CEO]

      [LKW Tr.] Elliot [CEO]

      It was FCT's New Year convoy @DounatMonster

  2. I believe it is ok to make a massive Fatal1ty public now. xDD Happened on 15 Feb 2015! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k70n0kGvnvQrDWa965l

    1. konfig0


      15 februari.. my bday <3

    2. konfig0


      Also, lol I get the joke now. My phone didn't showed me the name ;)

  3. The audacity of some people to ignore yield signs even with blue dots on GPS enabled...

    1. MashedPotaton8r


      Some people don't know what the signs mean, or even know they're there xD

    2. Inthernet


      Driver X is a veteran with a highly decorated history of dishonourable discharges. :P

  4. "Reversing a truck is harder than anything in Dark Souls" - My netfriend, first time on ETS2 :D

    1. stilldre1976


      LOL that ds game still gives me nightmares tho tougher than tough!!

  5. I tend to take evading actions resulting in "near accidents" instead of "accidents", rendering some bad drivers unreportable!

    1. [LKW Tr.] Elliot [CEO]

      [LKW Tr.] Elliot [CEO]

      So, motive of the story is, if a driver rams you better take the blow instead of evading it?

  6. Bobtail on a busy EU#2 was an exhilerating experience.

    1. Guest


      XD fun isnt it

    2. Inthernet


      Calais-Duisburg road was manic!

  7. A 105km Christmas road trip to the airport and back. With a 70km/h speed limiter! :D

  8. Anticipating your Overtaking Maneuver

  9. R.I.P.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. stilldre1976


      ahh haha i thought he just spawned in at the right time lol great parking 101

    3. RayRay5


      And this kids is how I learned why I should keep a safety distance :D

    4. McFreshi


      Swiggity Swaggity Swooty I'm coming for dat Booty XD

  10. What a privilege to be part of a passionate community who take their time to identify problems.

  11. EU#4 to become reality soon. I have a crystal ball, you see.

    1. NoTime4name


      Nice crystal ball you got there

  12. rip RTS, was a short, fun ride.

    1. MashedPotaton8r


      I'm gonna miss them :'(

    2. Glenny_



  13. Y U NOT NO COLLISION? https://youtu.be/1CZMR_H5Qs8

    1. stilldre1976


      was still outside zone?

    2. Inthernet


      The NCZ label came up on the top right before collision, so did the "Entered NCZ" notification at bottom middle.

    3. FirestarteR93


      You even collision bro? afaik The NCZ trigger is determined by your truck's location (aka the place of dev-camera when you turn it on)

  14. Too pro for MyVTC.net. http://i.imgur.com/wdMmSDD.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stilldre1976


      2km in 17mins? was u driving backwards lol

    3. Titanic4



      in-game minute ≠ real time minute

    4. stilldre1976
  15. Enough ecodriving, might join the FCT convoy later to floor my 680hp MAZ.

  16. Introducing RTS: Striving for Max Realism

    1. stilldre1976


      Good video buddy where are you from? only asking as you speak better english than most of the people i know lol

    2. MashedPotaton8r


      Great video. Dropped a like :)

    3. Inthernet


      Lived in UK for 9 years! :D Thanks for the like, Mashed. :)

  17. Parked up in Oslo, Özgür parked up next to me and quit. Only then did I notice the red text on his name! xD

    2. FirestarteR93


      You're lucky it wasn't Mariio who parked next to you -

  18. The GPS player locations allow risk-free out-in-out cornering at 120km/h+ on EU2. I should try it this weekend! :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Edinev


      The blue things are often a bit to slow when showing up, but I wish you good luck xD

    3. Clashin_Jon


      @stiildre1976 should of alt tabbed xD

    4. stilldre1976


      Lol jon didnt think about that haha

  19. Making that Pros of ETS2MP video unexpectedly made me sick of driving in MP...and the human condition.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stilldre1976


      Judging the whole human race by a bunch of trolls on a game is less intelligence tbh

    3. Tandre
    4. Inthernet


      I got irritated at getting flashed while doing 80km/h on a rural road on a midrange truck which gave me the idea to make a video by driving realistically. Really destroyed my pleasure with this mod when the bad drivers seemed to outnumber the good. I have attempted high-speed overtakes in the past and found it incredibly risky and stopped doing it long ago.

  20. The Pros of ETS2MP. Footage from the busiest non-Europoort road. Can you spot the pros?

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