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Veteran Driver VII
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About Lucy*

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  • Interests
    World of Trucks ALPHA
    TruckersMP Forum
    Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Birmingham
  • Known languages
    English, Japanese, (Spanish)

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  1. Thank you for following me, @Asierrayo ;)

    1. [D.G.T]Asierrayo[ES]


      No problem, I have you in Steam ;)


      Además, hablas español ;P

  2. Thanks for the info !! xD " I just hope everything goes well and would be much better. "
  3. Oh my god... :wow:

    Where are you going? xD



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucy*


      :thisisfine: Hello, @CroTruckTMP...


      Oh, my mistake!

      Hello, Mr.DeadPool! lol

    3. [CESC]01Carltru  ^[ARG]^
  4. Thanks for sharing~! And I expect that you'd try to consider the views and opinions of people as much as possible.
  5. Hello? :thinking: ... Hello. :mellow: ..... Hello:love:

  6. I think it's really useful one. " Thank you for your dedication! "
  7. Hello, @Simulator Experiencer Yes. It doesn't matter what the color is(except red dots). As you can see, All bans marked on your punishment history(except the red ones) are going to be considered when you try to submit your applications via here. ** if you don't know well about the red dots, please refer to this post. I hope this reply helps you. Thank you.
  8. I respect this decision, but I also agree with the replies written by @BL4CK$K1LL, @DJ Jefferz and @Euro Trucker 2017. We are all human beings, not robots. Everyone progress and mature by fault or mistakes, but each individual has their own turning point. All players cannot be changed within 3 bans. And of course, someone who has more than 3 bans is also a valid user, so the same right/chances have to be given to him or her unless he or she already has a perma. The past is just past and it should be considered just a little bit when we judge someone. Yes. This could be helpful to achieve the goal, but at the same time, it would also take away so many people's chances. Is it really much more valuable than giving up their chances? We need to think about it again. Last but not least, I'm just afraid of the truth that someone would never get one single chance. I think we need to revise it a little bit, or need some alternative/secondary ones which could supplement the new decision. (e.g. Something like the "cool time" of our ban sys, or at least, I think we need to avoid the "retroactive application" of this new one.) Of course, I know that all suggestions or opinions cannot be considered, I however would be appreciate it if you guys check mine. Thanks for your dedication.

    Hiii, guys~! <3

    Today, I saw this on the EU2 server.




    :wow: Deja-vu~!! :troll::troll:

  10. Hello, good to see you guuuys~! <3

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