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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by bryangullickson

  1. That should be a long police chase i guess..........


  2. That should be a long police chase i guess..........


  3. That should be a long police chase i guess..........


  4. Just had a problem some couple of day with driving and screen crashed, run as administrator and nothing, any other tips as i dnt wanna risk getting ban :(

  5. All ready for the event





  6. White Renault Premium :D  This will be used for pulling white trailers - which should be much easier to get once the next update is out and we can have colored trailers @Forerunner ;) Can't wait :D 

    This truck might also go quite well with eAcres trailers :P Might get a few more white trucks ;) This Premium like all my Renault Premiums has the 750hp Volvo engine :D:P 


  7. White Renault Premium :D  This will be used for pulling white trailers - which should be much easier to get once the next update is out and we can have colored trailers @Forerunner ;) Can't wait :D 

    This truck might also go quite well with eAcres trailers :P Might get a few more white trucks ;) This Premium like all my Renault Premiums has the 750hp Volvo engine :D:P 


  8. Very long trailer :o First time pulling one of these :P Corners should be interesting :rolleyes: Had to go on the other side of the road for a sec to get out of the depo :unsure:


  9. Good morning/afternoon all, 


    As apart of my folio for media studies I have had to do some research into the way the media exaggerates their news stories.


    When you get a spare moment, could you please fill out my survey, it will only take a minute.





  10. rip


    i accidentally turned due to lag


    and my trailer clipped some other guy and my truck went infront of his 




    and he said he's gonna report me even though nothing really happened to him


    rip my 1 year -_-

  11. rip


    i accidentally turned due to lag


    and my trailer clipped some other guy and my truck went infront of his 




    and he said he's gonna report me even though nothing really happened to him


    rip my 1 year -_-

  12. Finally we can download the new client update xD :P

  13. so when did we get the TruckersMP Logo on the forums? i could've sworn last time i was on the forum it was the old logo from when we were still just ETS2MP

  14. so when did we get the TruckersMP Logo on the forums? i could've sworn last time i was on the forum it was the old logo from when we were still just ETS2MP

  15. Welp another Report submitted wasted an hour plus driving from Oslo to Klagenfurt just to have some jackwagon in a car going the wrong way hit me and total my truck and trailer 200km out

  16. OBS Malware?? Lmaoo 


  17. Someone glitches in front of TruckBro. TruckBro tries to overtake him.

    TruckBro floors it to get past as fast as possible. He fails...

    Glitching person hits TruckBro and he flies until he lands in the middle of the road, on a concrete fence which divides the lanes from each other on the highway.


    TruckBro: "Seriously?"


    TruckBro presses F7 to find out that his truck has over 80% damage. Tired and spiritless he decides to hit enter key and finish up the action by pressing "Kyllä" as he has the game in Finnish.

    At service he makes his call...

    He quits the game. Not a rage quit, he is too tired to do it furiously. Then he comes over to forums and write this story which is trying to be a play at the same time. If he keeps writing this, he finds himself in an endless loop narrating his own life... 

    So I'll cut this off here. Good night, good morning, good day or good whatever the time might be in the corner of the world you who read this this far might be.




    © LikeYouWouldCareAnyways


  18. Someone glitches in front of TruckBro. TruckBro tries to overtake him.

    TruckBro floors it to get past as fast as possible. He fails...

    Glitching person hits TruckBro and he flies until he lands in the middle of the road, on a concrete fence which divides the lanes from each other on the highway.


    TruckBro: "Seriously?"


    TruckBro presses F7 to find out that his truck has over 80% damage. Tired and spiritless he decides to hit enter key and finish up the action by pressing "Kyllä" as he has the game in Finnish.

    At service he makes his call...

    He quits the game. Not a rage quit, he is too tired to do it furiously. Then he comes over to forums and write this story which is trying to be a play at the same time. If he keeps writing this, he finds himself in an endless loop narrating his own life... 

    So I'll cut this off here. Good night, good morning, good day or good whatever the time might be in the corner of the world you who read this this far might be.




    © LikeYouWouldCareAnyways


  19. Well time to join H64 for some midnight trucking

  20. Well time to join H64 for some midnight trucking

  21. I've recently started strictly doing World of Trucks jobs instead of freight market jobs. I find that there is way more diversity in the loads. Also, since your jobs are tracked on World of Trucks, it feels like they're actually worth something. Anyone else tried doing the same?

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