Suggestion Name: Light distance slider
Suggestion Description: I have noticed with recent updates, that the lights from headlights casted on the ground from other trucks, is only visible if you're within 100-200m of them. When trucking on a dark single lane road, it breaks the immersion when lights only fade in right as you're passing the truck. Also, if you're driving behind someone, the truck in front doesn't cast any light if you're a little too far back. I hope you understand what I'm trying to explain. I know that there were no such limit previously, where the lights would pop in within a certain distance, but my guess is that this has been implemented for optimization reasons. Therefore, my suggestion is to give the user the possibility to change this in the settings. Give us a slider to set the distance for when casted light should be drawn in. Or if you have better suggestions, feel free to share.
Any example images:
This an old pic from quite some time ago, but you can see the lights drawn from all the trucks in the distance.
And when close enough:
Why should it be added?:
Just for added realism and immersion. I understand if it's been made like this for optimization, but it would be nice to have it as a user setting, so people can set it to their preference. It's very nice to see peoples lights around corners etc. on a dark road, and was a welcomed feature when first introduced!
Thanks for reading