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Veteran Driver VII
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About -Daniel-

  • Birthday July 23

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  • Interests
    Audi is love, Audi is life!
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Poland: Warszawa
  • Known languages
    German, English, Polish

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  1. I park there all the time too and I don't really see the need to change something on this parkinglot. Everyone should just follow the markings and everything is fine. Some just don't care and some don't really look, most people probably think that the car park is a no-collision zone, which it is not. People just have too look better, there is enough space to turn when everyone is parked correctly. Regards, Daniel
  2. Es gibt die Standard Hupen der jeweiligen Lkw also die, die serienmäßig verbaut sind. Dann gibt es noch die Fanfaren, die man zum Beispiel auf den Lampenbügeln bzw. auf dem Dach montieren kann und dazu kommen dann auch noch die Dach-Fanfaren, die es nur exklusiv für verschiedene Modelle gibt, ich glaube, der Renault T ist so ein Fall. Der aktuelle MAN TGX müsste auch eine etwas anders klingende exklusive Fanfare haben. Du kannst auch verschiedene Fanfaren kombinieren. Ich weiß aber ehrlicherweise nicht, ob der Sound dann nur von dir so gehört werden kann. Ich hoffe, ich konnte behilflich sein.
  3. I use my own trailers, mostly coolers and container trailers I can't even remember when the last time was I used a game trailer.
  4. Did you all survive ‘Real Ops V16’ 🤣 spacer.png?🤣

    1. PinkNub_


      Ahh good one, I would have 0fps xd

  5. spacer.png

    AI Automotive, Hamburg with viggo24 🙂

    1. PinkNub_


      Cool photo 🙂


  6. Happy birthday :HaulieLove:

    1. -Daniel-


      Thank you 💪

  7. DAF XF 106 530 - Schmitz Cargobull S.KO COOL 🥶


  8. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  9. Awesome event! Can't wait
  10. I'am a member since 17/07/2015 and have only had one ban to date. It was for "reckless driving/ramming" I rammed someone while lagging I didn't had someting like ShadowPlay back then to proof it and also didn't knew how to appeal the ban haha. It is 9 years ago now and I didn't had any more problems while driving on TMP *I also only drive realistically with am max speed of 90 kph.
  11. I always listen to my Spotify playlists I like to listen to variety of genres from 2010's Pop songs to Rock like Volbeat, Rammstein Rise Against but also to German and Dutch Rap Many times I also listen to Spotifys German Top 50 or the weekly recommended songs.
  12. Hi, I don't know anything about the Volvo chassis topic but I can tell you, that you can't buy the electric Renault at the moment. You can't buy it in SP & TMP, you can only drive it by doing quick delivery. There are no charging stations either, SCS didn't tell us when we will get them. When you drive the Renault electric truck, you normally won't run out of battery, but when this happens you can press F7 and the truck get's a little charge. I'am also looking forward to a 6 Speed gearbox for the new DAF's and the DAF Tunig Pack. As far as I know there is no 6 Speed in reallife, so there might be a chance that we won't get them in the near future. SCS also didn't said anything about the DAF Tunig DLC
  13. As far as I know it is possible, I would just mark all the important parts, so the admin doesn't have to look though videos that are like 3 mins each long I made reports with more than one video link before.
  14. Hey guys, I have a little problem, since a few months I can't open the driver side window on my truck when ia am on TMP I have all my keys set and everything works in SP. Only the window on the passenger side rolls up and down. Is this a known bug? I have this problem on all my trucks. Regards, Daniel
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