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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Titanic4

  1. Remember what I said when ETS2MP(Now TruckersMP) was switching to be x64 only mod? Now try to count how many complaints are about lack of x86 support were made so far in the forums(including status updates) since then... 

  2. When russian player has caused an accident on opposite lane and asks for help while you're going > 140 km/h...


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    3. Beefy32659_YT


      I think he maybe slightly drunk? I had a Russian/Ukrainian driver crash/ram straight into me a few Christmas's ago. Why do they join the European servers why not Asian?

    4. Titanic4


      Technically Asian players can use their Asian servers, but they're usually looking for more populated servers. This also explains why you may see Chinese players going around on EU#1 or EU#2

  3. You can type in the hour manually, as a workaround until the bug gets fixed. The bug indeed exists. http://i.imgur.com/Au65PgM.png In Chrome's F12 console here's what I got: http://i.imgur.com/fee6wGA.png - this may be cause of this oversight.
  4. IANVMWf.pngWhen Cooper's Freightmaster wants the convoy from Rotterdam to the Earth's natural satellite...(look at chat in lower left corner)

  5. Firstly, what are specs of his computer? Perhaps, he should try to update graphics card drivers.
  6. 189q71k.png



    "access-control-allow-origin" header wasn't changed since last domain name change...

    1. HumaneWolf


      It will be fixed with the next update.

  7. I've got my G27 back from warranty repair and it works nicely now...

  8. To żeś się przeturlał na przeciwny pas ruchu...
  9. I have kinda unusual temporary setup when my G27 is being repaired: DFGT motherboard connected to USB and the 7-pin pedal socket for speed control and F310 gamepad for the steering, indicators and other stuff... Oddly, the game is handling this setup without problem.

  10. The CB Radio function is very nice, but it should have option of rebinding the PTT key somewhere else, like unused, easily accessible button on your steering wheel
  11. After Windows 10 update Cortana can speak to me :-)

  12. To może świadczyć o rozładowanej baterii CR2032, Taką baterię można łatwo uzyskać w sklepie. W zależności od płyty głównej konieczne jest tymczasowe wyjęcie karty graficznej.
  13. Kaskader, niby jak Twojemu koledze TruckersMP działa na x86? Nie jest możliwe odpalenie programów x64 na x86.
  14. W teorii nie trzeba jej odłączać - Jak się przyzwyczaisz do wielokrotnej kalibracji to nie powinno być problemu.
  15. Uruchomiłeś instalator jako administrator?
  16. Is there a way to rebind the "0" camera to a different key?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Titanic4


      Line 116 of file controls.sii of the profile: config_lines[110]: "mix camdbg `keyboard.key0?0`" - changed that to config_lines[110]: "mix camdbg `keyboard.num0?0`" - result: debug camera bound to numpad0 instead of just "0"

    3. Titanic4


      This is already in English -_-

    4. Titanic4


      Check line 116 of your in-game profile's controls.sii file.

  17. Po prostu nie wiedziałem, że moja ciężarówka umie skakać...
  18. I hope that the route going through Oxnard uses main road instead of tiny, narrow road.
  19. http://i.imgur.com/SPyqfnF.png - I think ETS2MP EU2 needs exorcist...
  20. Anybody experiencing the chat bug, where you may activate many functions while typing the message to send to chat?

    1. McFreshi


      No but just a quick pro tip. don't press y or f1 in any time close to each other.

  21. It looks like my Windows 10 machine was so impatient so it has forced itself to kill one of the critical processes causing a blue screen. After a reboot and login I got the notification: "Updates were installed".

  22. I've been driving in ATS:MP and i've not seen wrong way drivers so far...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      I've seen trolls rammers and users insulting at each other wrong way users people blocking ect..

    3. FairladyZ


      It's pretty calm on ATS:EU#2 :P

    4. stilldre1976


      Same here OP done 4hrs online havent seen one troll or crash yet worst ive seen is red light running which i can live with tbh

  23. Gracz, który był między mną a lagerem "przekoziołkował" na przeciwny pas ruchu.
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