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Veteran Driver IX
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Status Updates posted by KOZIK_

  1. Hello TMP

    1. MarkON


      Hello ?


      Witaj po dłuższym czasie na forum TruckersMP.

    2. ManuMarSch
    3. Guest


      Hey ❤️  I watch your videos admin work at yt ? 

  2. Come and join 


    1. FY96


      good publications ?

  3. Best wishes to all women on women's day

    1. Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Yeh,Wish all women happy every day!?

  4. Hello all

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Guest


      Hey, Kozik! Nice to hear from you again.

    3. KOZIK_


      soon maybe more often ?

  5. The person who impersonates me on the general discord truckersmp is a total idiot. 

  6. Wszystkiego najlepszego

  7. Hello TruckersMP community

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      hello and have a nice day :) 

    3. KOZIK_


      it does not depend on me if I can go back to the team. I would like to come back but I can not

    4. AdaBey


      Hello Kozik, Welcome Back! ^^

  8. Wszystkiego najlepszego

    1. JJay


      Również życzę wszystkiego najlepszego kolego ;)

    2. Kap.


      Dzięki dzięki :D

  9. Congrats Natii

    1. Nataliia


      dziękuję Koz! :wub:

  10. Good luck mate

    1. Kap.


      Thank you! ;) :D

  11. Good luck mate

    1. BoSsik2


      Senkju Richard 


  12. Good luck mate

    1. Coppekss


      Thank you mate ;)

  13. The new logo is beautiful. let it stay permanently :troll:

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      How about your logo ? Let it stay permanently , too xDD :D

    2. Lukas4544 [LTU]
    3. KOZIK_


      Of course 

  14. Gratulacje Natii :-P

    1. Nataliia


      Dziękuję  Kozz <3 


  15. why a moderator punishes Poles with warnings without breaking the rules????? @Chris - TFM you can answer?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KOZIK_


      I wrote to Scar, he does not take care of it and the leader of the moderators will reward him ;)

      on feedback I can not write because since March 17 I am waiting for a reply

    3. Smalley


      Sufficient answer has been given.



    4. Guest


      I also need links, a screenshot with a bit of text is not enough to gauge the situation.

  16. Witam wszystkich. Hello all. Have a nice day. :D

  17. Zdrowych, pogodnych Świąt Wielkanocnych, pełnych wiary, nadziei i miłości. Radosnego, wiosennego nastroju, serdecznych spotkań w gronie rodziny i wśród przyjaciół oraz wesołego Alleluja. 

    Życzy KOZIK

  18. Bandero is not just a team mate. is a person who helped the entire Polish community and team members. he will not come back to the team. there will be no agreement. 

  19. interesting thinking. write to the whole community that we are trying to talk. behind the back of the Polish community, the Polish section on the forum disappears. Good job. 

  20. I greet the entire Polish and Turkish community. Thanks for  your support. I'm Polish, close this status @Smalley

    1. konfig0


      Locked on request.

    2. Smalley


      Okay thank you :)


      User requested 

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