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Veteran Driver VII
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v8Smokin last won the day on June 2 2022

v8Smokin had the most liked content!

About v8Smokin

  • Birthday 01/04/1994

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  • EU Garage Location
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v8Smokin's Achievements


Apprentice (3/13)

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Community Answers

  1. Thank you for your time on the team, we hope to see you soon. Good luck in your future projects. ?

  2. Sad to see you leave the team.

  3. Welcome back And congratulations on the promotion

  4. Congratulations! 

  5. Welcome back mate! ?


  6. Oh wow you're back! Throw back to 2019 or something, we drove quite a lot. Glad to see you back my friend! 

    1. v8Smokin


      Thank you! I'm sure we will drive again sometime ?

  7. Welcome back! ?

  8. congratulations welcome back to team ❤️ ? wish you good lucks 

  9. Welcome back! ?

  10. Welcome back!! :HaulieLove:

  11. Welcome back :HaulieLove:

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