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Marco aus Berlin

Veteran Driver IV
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About Marco aus Berlin

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    Gaming (ETS2, ATS, FS22, TPF2, GTA), Sports (Biking, Tennis, Tabletennis, Badminton).
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  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin
  • Known languages
    German, English, Spanish

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  1. Would be very helpful.
  2. I don't like the SCS AI traffic. I also don't like being the only driver in an area. I prefer crowded areas with real players. There has to be a way in order to bring these two seemingly opposite things together! Maybe weekly events by TMP/SCS in a certain area of the map (like Real Ops, just much smaller without changing the map)? Maybe certain cargoes that have to be delivered to certain cities for one week in order to get an achievement? Just anything that brings together enough players in a certain area for one week or so (but please not only for a few hours on a special server where everybody is in a rush and lagging), and after a week the event changes to another area of the map. And once a year (maybe on Xmas?) players with lots of achievements should be able to swap them with a new paint job or something similar. This maybe would also (as a side effect) take a little bit of pressure from the CD area and bring a little bit more diversity to TMP.
  3. The most reckless drivers mostly can be found in cars. So I guess it would be reasonable to make it a kind of an achievement to be able to use a car (minimum amount of hours played, being a Patron, ...) in order to protect the reputable players. However, not too long ago, TMP raised the speed limit to 150 kph on Sim2 and ProMods ... totally unreasonable for this game and for any serious truck driver. So if TMP enforces speeding up to 150 kph (and also removed most of the perma bans), why should they do anything against these annoying kids in cars ramming everyone off the road? So I'm in favor of this suggestion, but it probably will be rejected by TMP anyway, because they want to attract as many new players as possible, even if they cause trouble. My forecast is that TMP will allow even more car brands in the near future to make it a truck, bus, and car driving simulation.
  4. Sure, that is of course a reasonable point. For this matter I would suggest a quite simple solution without rebuilding the whole intersection: (however, any rework that causes less traffic jams at the intersection would probably cause a lot more traffic jams on the DC road and in Calais itself - especially at the traffic light near the workshop).
  5. If one day SCS/TMP decide to rework the Calais area, I think it should be as realistic as possible. There are enough fantasy routes on the map that don't match the original in the least. That's why I find your idea of following the original very obvious. (Of course I'm aware that the whole CD road does not exist at all in reality, but because of its popularity it should be an exeption to the rule and not being changed too much, at least not into a four lane road ... there are enough highways on the map).
  6. Most players (at least the ones I travel with) prefer to drive in crowded areas. Unfortunately, this currently only applies to CD. However, no one wants to spend hours in traffic jams or having to deal with constantly slow-moving traffic. But that's exactly what has been the case since the Duisburg rework: the route is often so crowded that it is no longer fun to drive from Duisburg towards Calais. From Calais it's just about acceptable (after an Calais intersection rework this would probably no longer be the case). In my opinion, the rework of the second gas station (seen from Calais) has led to an improvement at this point. But there are still at least two problem areas: the other gas station and the railroad crossing. Therefore these two bottlenecks should first be defused, for example by converting them to make it impossible to turn left into the gas station from Calais. The level crossing should be constantly open or the frequency of trains should be significantly reduced. If these two problems on the CD road have been alleviated, one could also think about rebuilding the Calais intersection. If the intersection is converted first, the route will probably become impassable because even more vehicles would be able to drive towards Duisburg per unit of time.
  7. Thank you for the follow! ❤️

    1. Marco aus Berlin

      Marco aus Berlin

      Ja, gerne! Vielen Dank auch für dein Follow! ?

  8. Danke für dein follow :mlg_doge:

    1. Marco aus Berlin

      Marco aus Berlin

      Ja, gerne ?


      Danke auch für dein Follow. ?

  9. Hi! You can't play Truckers MP without having at least the basic game installed (either ETS2 or ATS).
  10. Really great idea. I would support this.
  11. Der TMP7-Eventserver war wirklich ne coole Sache. Wird denn die Silverstone-Rennstrecke demnächst auch in die reguläre Map aufgenommen?
  12. Zumindest ein Feature des SCS-MP würde ich mir auch bei TMP wünschen: Meistens fährt man ja nicht alleine, sondern zusammen mit anderen. Es ist aber fast unmöglich ohne externe Apps (Virtual Speditor) die gleiche Tour für alle Mitfahrer zu finden. Im SCS-MP muss nur ein Mitfahrer eine Tour auswählen, alle anderen können dann mit nur einem Klick die gleiche Tour fahren – und sogar noch auswählen, ob nur mit dem eigenem Truck oder auch mit eigenem Trailer. Vielleicht könnte sich TMP hier ein bisschen was abgucken. Grundsätzlich sehe ich es aber genauso wie Fast-rider: Der SCS-MP wird auf absehbare Zeit bei weitem nicht so beliebt werden wie TMP.
  13. Super! Vielen Dank!
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