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Unnamed User

Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by Unnamed User

  1. I never thought I will like driving in UK that much. All thanks to ProMods.




    1. Arcticwolfs


      That's why i enjoy promods so much detail. 

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great photos, UK looks so nice in promods ?

  2. Witaj @Lørdag, Takie naczepy są dozwolone ale pod pewnymi warunkami. Jak uzyskać taką naczepę? Potrójne naczepy można uzyskać poprzez edycję zapisu gry. Najłatwiejszą opcją jest kupno naczepy B-Double i zduplikowanie pierwszej części (B-Link) by stworzyć naczepę B-triple (B-link + B-link + zwykła naczepa trzyosiowa). Na Forum są poradniki jak edytować zapis gry, ja najbardziej polecam ten: Poradnik jak stworzyć potrójną naczepę: Dostępne są też modyfikacje na potrójne naczepy, ale nie ma gwarancji, że wszystkie będą działać na TruckersMP (Działają tylko te, które duplikują pierwszą naczepę z B-Double lub do istniejącej już kombinacji dodają naczepę z innej kombinacji od SCS Software, te mody stworzone na starsze wersje mogą nie działać) Jak długie mogą być naczepy? Na singleplayer, dowolna długość. Na TruckersMP maksymalnie do trzech części w ETS2 i do pięciu w ATS.
  3. TMP7 Freeroam


    1. .Pedro.
    2. Frestaeh.


      Just a flying truck normally day xd??

  4. Ok thank you for the answer. You can lock the topic.
  5. TMP7 Festival


  6. Hello! I have a little problem while taking screenshots with freecam. I have it on multiplayer and in singleplayer. When I want to take screenshots in multiplayer, I don't use Screenshot mode everytime. I sometimes use freecam to take pictures., but there is a problem. Because I am driving with Mouse and Keyboard, always when I'm using outside cams the weird wheel-looking thing appears. This thing is very annoying while taking screenshots on multiplayer and while taking screenshots of the countryside. When I want to show the picture to public, I have to remove it but this can make the picture look ugly in some cases. Now you may come with answer "Use Screenshot mode instead". Yes, I know I can use it, but Screenshot mode has a limit. You can't go too far away from your truck because you will hit an invisible wall. The possible solution is to turn off mouse+keyboard steering to only keyboard steering, but switching between these modes is annoying and it takes time. So the question is: Is there any way to remove this wheel-looking thing without changing the steering mode? If yes, then how? Or if it's not possible, is it possible remove the screenshot mode's limit to take pictures away from the truck? If only way is to use mod, does it work on TMP as it shouldn't affect on other players? I am waiting for the answers.
  7. Here we go again



  8. @Qadaxas, Jeśli twoje konto Wotr nazywa się tak samo jak konto na TruckersMP, to na nim nie widzę żadnego postępu nad eventem Cruising Iberia. No chyba, że twoje konto nazywa się inaczej. Jeśli nazywa się ono inaczej, i na nim jest ukończony event, powinieneś móc odebrać nagrody. Jeśli już to zrobiłeś, nagrody powinny pobrać się same. Sprawdź ekwipunek Steam czy są tam te nagrody, i jeszcze raz poszukaj ich w grze. Mogłeś je przeoczyć.
  9. Am I only one who likes being Rickrolled?
  10. Hello @Jonek1999, There is no way (I think) you can make the quota bigger. You can still upload an image on external websites instead like https://imgur.com/upload It doesn't have a limit and you don't need to create an account to use it. When you upload a picture there, you have to wait until "upload complete" shows up. When it will show, then right click on the picture and click "copy image address" and paste it to your forum post. The image should appear a few seconds later. That's how most of forum users upload pictures here.
  11. I have a suggestion if TruckersMP will not make it in time. Downgrading: In game, turn off Steam Cloud saving in profile settings. Turn off the game and head to This PC/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/profiles. You will find there 1 or more folders. Copy and paste them to other place. It will be helpful when you will go back to 1.40 Then downgrade the game and search for 1.39-compatibile savegame and load it. If you will not be able to find one, I will tell you what to do below. When the events will end: Update your game to 1.40 move the copied profile folders to This PC/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator2/profiles and you should be able to play on 1.40 again In case if you will not find 1.39-compatibile saves: Go to This PC/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2. You will find profiles named "profiles(1.39.x.xs).bak" Open the latest edited .bak folder with 1.39 in it's name. There should be 1 or more folders named with numbers. Move these folders to "profiles" folder and launch the game and see if there are any 1.39-compatibile saves. That's what I do when I want to go back to TruckersMP. I did it around 3 times with this method and nothing bad happened yet. I really recommend you to do this. A year ago I did this mistake and I didn't downgraded the game for the anniversary events. I still regret it.
  12. They are working. Look at this topic and wait for more updates posted there.
  13. Hi @Komsur, Unfortunately, these mods will not work. TruckersMP does not support any mods other than ProMods, Grimes Weather Mods and mods related to save editing. Custom skins will not work becuase you will be autokicked or the mod will get disabled until you will go back to singleplayer. You can still create a local mod of that skin, but it is a hard process and only you will be able to see it. I think it's better to keep these skins as singleplayer mods.
  14. Nice! I'll try to be on every server. Although I expected the festival to be somewhere else than in Silverstone, it will be nice.
  15. This is what happens when you forget to deactivate outdated mods.


    1. Angelina2417


      Dang that is scary ngl ?

  16. The previous one ends on "M" Metz
  17. Hello! From what I saw in game log, It looks like that your card doesn't fully support DirectX 11.1 Try launching game with OpenGL and see if that helps
  18. Thank you for giving us some info. I hope you will make it before #TMP7 ?
  19. Hello @bobo33160 You have ProMods 2.52 version which is made for 1.40 game version. It doesn't work on 1.39 nor on TruckersMP. You have to download ProMods 2.51 version which is available on the top of ProMods website in "Compatibility ETS2". My personal suggestion: Don't delete these files because when you will delete it and when TruckersMP will support 1.40 and ProMods, you will have to download these files again.
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