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Veteran Driver VII
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Joey last won the day on November 2 2014

Joey had the most liked content!

About Joey

  • Birthday April 23

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Stockton
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf

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  1. Happy birthday!

  2. happy birthday!🎂

  3. Happy birthday ! :HaulieLove:

  4. Happy birthday! 🥳

  5. Awesome! Will this be supported on multiplayer?
  6. Isn't rain synced?
  7. Happy new year! :)

    1. Yoyo_ManSg


      Happy New Year and good health you too. Enjoy. ;) 

    2. Mirko9


      Happy new year !

  8. @Joey long time not seen :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      jaa ze gangetje hoor xd en mooi man, en nee is niet hetzelfde man maar qua omgeving is het wel wat verbeterd.

    3. [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      @Joey kom je ooit terug in de team als je vrije tijd hebt natuurlijk :P

    4. Joey
  9. You could try installing a virtual machine running Windows. Peformance might be poor though.
  10. Great update!
  11. Joey

    Game crash

    Already tried reinstalling the multiplayer mod?
  12. Joey

    Game crash

    I'd verify the integrity of the game cache first. To do so, right click Euro Truck Simulator 2 in your Steam library and select properties, go to the local files tab and click verfiy integrity of game cache. Wait for it to finish and let it download missing files (if there are any). Then you can try launching the game again.
  13. Are you connected to the internet via wifi or via ethernet? Have you checked your ping? Since you see everyone lagging, but for them you're the only one lagging I'd say it has something to do with your connection to the servers.
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