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Veteran Driver X
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Status Updates posted by WillyKrK

  1. Lol what, look at the chat XD New GM :o?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DerAmpelmann


      I tried it. It works!

    3. heyhococo


      @mwl4 Noticed this, he asks those who find this issue to try and use the commands because it would help him fix the bug quicker

  2. Which DLC add festive lights in cabin?

    1. LintonM


      Christmas Paint Job Pack

    2. RadioactivePotato


      @TheGamer_500 Thank you! I've also been wondering what DLC adds those lights. I just bought it (ETS2 Paint jobs are REALLY cheap when they're on sale)

  3. Someone have Hungary Pennant? I have Slovakia or Netherland for exchange :D

  4. Did I can play on family shared ets game?

  5. ETS 2 DLC's sale on steam if someone is interesed, have a nice day *flies away*.

  6. I love these people who make new topics like "MY GAME DOESN'T WORK WTF HELP PLS" when SCS relase new update xD

  7. Naczelny Hejter ✌

  8. I'm done with TMP Staff. Reckless driving, ramming - 1 day ban. Say a sentence that most Poles know and considers satyre - get banned 3 days. Ridiculous


  9. Thats annoying me when scs don't add changelog when they update ETS2 :angry:

  10. Half of april... and I have snow in my city... :o

  11. Someone can give me link for ets2mp mods on this forum? Im looking for that about 20mins and can't find it O.o.

    1. EnLight


      Was it this your looking for? 


    2. WillyKrK


      Oh my, thanks a lot <3

    3. LordBenji


      If you're interested, I can make custom trailer mods (that can look odd and funny at times).

  12. Która naczepa ma podnoszoną oś ;o?

  13. Birthday today :D

    1. elot360PL


      A gdzie cukierki :angry:

    2. elot360PL


      Nie no dobra, wszystkiego dobrego z okazji urodzin :)

  14. What do you guys think about that, be honest :D


  15. Michelin Man is not supported with DLC ;o? Others players with this DLC don't see him on my bar.

    1. Mirko9


      Other truckers dont see it ,if they dont have Michelin DLC.

    2. Guest


      They must have the DLC to see it. Very much like the Schwarzmuller DLC, Some trailers are invisible to people and all they see if a floating tractor if they don't have the DLC

  16. Guys, can you recommend me some recording program? I'm using fraps right now, but I want to try something new. Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. /:\D0NPR0MILL0/:\



      Little Tutorial how to use OBS



    3. Abdou.


      Hello there . Try OBS Studio . Have a nice day :) 






  17. In Game Rules said how many beacons can I use on my truck? Someone told me something like that but i cant find it in Polish and English rules topic.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Penguin


      To put it simply, take down your Christmas Truck decorations :P A lot of people had them lit up like Christmas trees :P 

    3. WillyKrK


      I don't even use them. I just want to know about that. My truck on the left :Pt2D95mQ.jpg

    4. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Yeah, I suppose that looks fine. Honestly there is absolutely no point to have more than two beacons, really.


      This is what I see when I come across a truck with more than two or three beacons.


  18. Więc myślę, co mówię, gdy mówię, co i jak.

  19. I'm back to ETS so its time for some timelapse. SP now, MP maybe later :)


  20. MP support Mighty Griffin DLC?

    1. FirestarteR93
    2. WillyKrK


      Ok thanks. So I still have no clue why my game crash, when I teleport to the service or cancel a job.

    3. User_1100357


      hm it seems that the dlc is not supported, i'm constantly kicked from mp for i should have invalid accessories on my scania. Now even with all parts removed i'm still kicked... So why is firestarteR93 saying it's supported while clear that's not so... Meanwhile i see scania's with the paint job... so that i think is the only thing allowed on the mp. Ridiculous if you ask my opinion

  21. I'm in Veteran Driver's family :D

    1. Bandero
    2. Haulvoc


      I'll join you in a couple of days :)

    1. WillyKrK
    2. WillyKrK
    3. WillyKrK


      Now it's normal for me. Realise my reaction when I did not have idea what willy means xDD Problem for non native english speakers :P

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