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i z m

Retired Team Member
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Status Updates posted by i z m

  1. Congrats Darwen, keep up the good work! :mlgdoge:

  2. Admeeen(s) on the highway! Come join us! twitch.tv/izm07_

    1. DesertEagle26


      adresin sonunda alt tire var mı yoksa yanlışlıkla mı koydun, ona gire girecem

    2. i z m

      i z m

      Hayır, var. Bizden önce birisi almış izm07'yi. :D 

  3. Happy nootday Pinguu! :P

  4. #SometimesTheUglyTruthCanBeBeautiful


  5. -Just think before you act because your actions don't rewind.


    1. Robcb


      it's not life is strange :truestory:

    2. i z m

      i z m

      "Don't Get In My Way". :truestory:

  6. We salute the rank, not the man!



  7. Every day is a new day, every moment is a new moment.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Suleyman.53


      you're amazing, mate. :wub:

    3. Samito_BG


      Nice photo, Nice truck Izm i hope you have only good moments with your baby ! :D:wub: @izm07

  8. -To pass SEAL training, there are series of long swims that must be completed. One is the night swim. Before the swim, the instructors joyfully brief the students on all species of sharks that inhabit the waters off San Clemente. They assure you however, that no student has ever been eaten by a shark, at least not that they can remember. But you are also thought that if a shark begins to circle your position, stand your ground. Do not swim away. Do not act afraid. And if the shark, hungry for a midnight snack darts towards you, then summons up your strengh and punch him in the snout, and he will turn and swim away. 


    There are a lot of sharks in the world. If you hope to complete the swim, you will have to deal with them. So if you want to change the world, don't back down from the sharks.


    William H. McRaven, United States Navy Admiral.

  9. #TheRoadLessTraveled


  10. Sometimes, pictures are worth a thousand words.


    1. Samito_BG


      Beautiful photos Izm ! :wub:

    2. AdaBey


      Sometimes also friendships.

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  11. If you want to shine like the sun, first burn like the sun.


  12. If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.

    1. stilldre1976


      unless its a job in a nuclear power plant obv :troll:

  13. Takımda bir Türk üyeyi daha görmek çok güzel. Aramıza hoş geldin- umarım her şey dilediğince olur, başarılar dilerim! Yolun açık olsun. (:

    1. Suleyman.53


      çok teşekkür ederim. :wub:

  14. There's no one like you in the universe, stand up for what you believe.


    1. Suleyman.53


      You're welcome.Thank u for ur compliment. I didn't know I was so loved. :wub::troll: 

  15. Don't wait for the right opportunity. Create it!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EULas


      Great Photo. Nice scenery :) 

    3. Guest


      Reno :wub:

    4. Samito_BG


      Nice sunrise truck and photo Izm, i wish you happy weekend with your biutiful truck ! :)

  16. Congrats Shawn- great to see you in the team. Good luck! 

  17. If you want to shine like the sun, first burn like the sun.


  18. Congrats mate! Welcome to team! o/

  19. -İyi akşamlar beyefendi, size kısa bir sorumuz olacaktı. Ban evader misiniz?


  20. Caravan Patrol


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tosh8
    3. Lonelychild


      Oh, where are you going to talk about business?:troll:

    4. Mandarin Adam

      Mandarin Adam

      A very nice thought :D

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