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i z m

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Status Updates posted by i z m

  1. Her gün profilime girip "acaba bugün mü atıldı hihihi" challenge başlasın o halde... (:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CN-ShiGuang
    3. Guest


      Ben her zamanki gibi, konuya fransız'm... :lol:

  2. To find us, you must be good, to catch us, you must be fast, but to beat us......you must be kidding.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AloneWolf.


      @izm07 peh çok kötü senin tırın hiç sevmedim bu kadar acemi ve kötü olunmaz ki :love::thisisfine:

    3. CN-ShiGuang


      Great pictures:wub:

  3. Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.



    1. KittyRena


      The views of people only make a story out of what they know, whatever their story may be, it doesn't has to always match our own because we ourselves has always been the author of our own life.




  5. Kurt kışı geçirir ama, yediği ayazı unutmaz...


  6. Your value...


    1. CN-ShiGuang


      What do you need?:D

  7. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. Congrats mate, well deserved!

    1. RequieB


      Thank you so much ! :)

    2. CN-ShiGuang


      Yes. Big guy, I'm willing to follow you

  8. Hai Szef! Wszystkiego, co najlepsze w tym dniu. Wspaniałych urodzin! (:

  9. If someone stands behind you, then protect him. If someone stands beside you, then respect him. If someone stands against you, then defeat him.


    1. AdaBey


      You're the himself only rival in life. Defeat the strong, Defend on oppressed.

  10. İnsanIar seninIe konuşmayı bıraktığında, arkandan konuşmaya başIarIar.

    -PabIo Neruda

  11. Güneş balçıkla sıvanmaz.

  12. There’s two kinds of people in the world. There’s hammers and there’s nails. You decide which one you wanna be.


  13. When everything turns to black
    You don't know where to go
    You need something
    To justify your soul


  14. Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you are done.


  15. What ever you decided to do, make sure it makes you happy.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AdaBey


      And whatever the results is, be honest every time.

    3. Kamer


      A Sudden Sense @izm07 :wesmart:

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      That Scania is so so so nice :wub::love:

  16. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.


  17. When things are going bad there's gonna be some good that's gonna gonna come from it.

    Oh mission got canceled? Good, we can focus on another one.

    Didn't get promoted? Good, more time to get better.

    Didn't get funded? Good, we own more of the company. 

    Didn't get the job you wanted? Good, you can get more experience and build a better resume.

    Got beat? Good, you learned. Unexpected problems? Good, we have the opportunity to figure out solution.

    When things are going bad don't get all bummed out, don't get startled, don't get frustrated- no, you just look at the issue and you say good. You go foward. And lastly, if you can say the word, good- it means you're still alive. You still got some fight left in you. 

    So get up, dust off, reload, recalibrate, re-engage and go out on the attack...


    1. SkortiL [TR]

      SkortiL [TR]

      There is no giving up in our book. Because I'm quiet doesn't mean that I won't do anything.

  18. Admeeeen stream! Come join us! twitch.tv/izm07_


    Adminlik, sohbet ve soru/cevap yayınımıza katılmaktan çekinmeyin! İyi geceler! :)

  19. No amount of makeup can cover an ugly personality.

  20. #If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.


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