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Retired Team Member
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Status Updates posted by Flindix

  1. Smh stop eating my cheese.

    1. .Jason


      I will kiss your cheese instead smh

  2. smh ur profile picture isn't that good tbh

  3. Hai pro nub baby.

  4. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. 3y in staff, couldn't feel better about all this.
    Despite everything, Tmp staff has allowed me to meet some wonderful people and friends which surpassed gaming itself.

    Please take good care of each other in real life. Cause that's what really matters in the end.
    I wish I wasn't crying right now.

    As someone says, don't let anyone dull your sparkle.

  5. I'm glad to have been voted Maus Of The Year 2020

    1. issam0707


      you mean, nub of the year :kappa:

    2. Flindix


      @issam0707 No, that was your category.

    3. Λ S L Λ N
  6. Let's see if I get 10 reactions on this very pointless status update. 
    I'm bored. I accept cheese donations.

  7. hello. im big fan <33

  8. Jay66 and Mayukh are my favorite players, when flipped over. :kappa:

    1. Flindix



    2. Mayukh


      Thanks for the prize ❤️

  9. Had a very pleasant with Rusty Cargo VTC today!
    Thanks for the great drive! Amsterdam to livorno :D
    Muito obrigado ❤️


    Photo Taken by: Rusty






    1. Alon_TMP


      Nice pictures of police cars and trucks ❤️

    2. Λ C Ξ    (Kaviya _ JTOSL
    3. F-E-R-A


      Great Photo ?

  10. [Chenxi VTC]*Edmund ? Today at 01:59

    o delicious cheese

    o delicious cheese

    you help maus to have good sleep



  11. Photo of a surprise drive with FBTC (Familia Brazil Truck Club). A great brazilian VTC that they should be proud of. Among many other brazilian vtc's and convoy groups.


    1. Kauã Sanches - BR/SP

      Kauã Sanches - BR/SP

      Tamo junto Flindix!! HAHA, apareci no seu forum. HEHE

    2. Λ C Ξ    (Kaviya _ JTOSL
  12. A nice night drive from france to italy with a good buddy @Lucas Peterbilt :)


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lucas Peterbilt

      Lucas Peterbilt

      Ohwww, thanks man was a nice drive with you. I hope to see you on the roads again soon. :P

    3. Λ C Ξ    (Kaviya _ JTOSL
  13. Parked with @Moh_ and @Killua (for some reason tagging killua doesn't work)

  14. Noot noot!

    1. Penguin


      NOOT NOOT! <3 

  15. When you want to write some status update but you have nothing interesting to post :/

  16. Hello everyone!
    I'd like to thank you all for the kind messages and warm welcome.
    Special thanks to other GM's that helped me during my trial period, a very special thanks to my team leader! <3

    Hope to see you on the road :)


    1. Barba'


      congratulations my friend :D

  17. A cool drive with @Baldemar95 last week :) Maybe I should explore the baltic dlc area a little more.


    1. Alon_TMP


      No esta mal;)

    2. Baldemar TR

      Baldemar TR

      It was an most of awesome trip which I've ever join. Thank you so much again buddy. We should make again 

      You use it like a real truckers :mlg_doge:

    3. Guest



  18. Old but gold. goaty and moh trying to park a caravan.


    1. Arradin


      Goat, cow and maus , how cute

    2. Computerpro


      I think you'll find I parked my caravan quickly and nicely, Moh on the other hand... :kappa:

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang
  19. More photos from Real Ops V6. Had lots of fun :)

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      great photos and event :wub:

  20. A short drive over ATS to Portland, Oregon :) All the different shades of yellow/orange though... :/

  21. Just a casual photo with a deer.


    1. Flindix


      oh forgot to unnecessarily ping @Cornedrue

  22. Nice picture with @Moh_ - The best asian cow of tmp. Also a nice drive in norway/denmark with @GGF MD @Computerpro @Abdielh @Arradin and JamesRob


  23. I have nothing interesting to say, but hello there :)
    Hopefully someone will reply with a funny joke.

    1. TimeTimes


      Hello there

      *Insert funny joke here*

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