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Everything posted by Araleya

  1. Well done krew on getting your new role ^^

  2. OwO since when did I become a veteran Driver?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ady Man

      Ady Man

      Congrats veteran 1 :P

    3. Cmoiiisamuel
    4. [GR]  Loxagos

      [GR] Loxagos

      nice.. in 2 months i will go Veteran IV lol

  3. Val la another video for people to enjoy

  4. Well 1.32 is out, I plan to head on it tonight after work if there isnt traffic jams.


    Also good morning

  5. well good night TMP

    I will actually be glad when 1.32 is supported because all of the 1.32 topics will stop.


    But then again you never know :troll:

    1. IpilkAlaus


      I mean, quite a lot of people think that TMP is actually SCS, so no:troll:

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang
    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  6. Good morning to you all, might i ask if anyone is going to the ATS heavy haul convoy tonight?


    Btw new video should be out in a few hours.

    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Good Morning. As I don't have ATS I won't be there :P 

    2. KimeNABISM


      I dont have ats :(

  7. A very good morning to you all, a new day, a new start, but same repetitive topics...-_-

    #Feels sorry for forum mods right now. :( 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Good Morning :D 

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang
    4. KaitanFox


      Basicly 1.32, 1.32, 1.32, 1.32, 1.32, 1.32, 1.32, no jobs...

  8. 4CCEAFDADC210216426F99D57E2D4EE8ACC8075F
     @Krewlex and his great convoy last night, it was fun and on 1.31 :P

  9. People are still at it "when is 1.32 coming out" "when is it gonna be upgraded", This is getting BORING NOW.
    Has no one seriously got any patience, the mod will be updated when it gets updated. Making 20+ topics on the same thing won't help.

    P.S I'm still playing on 1.31 enjoying the mod, not just sat complaining when the update is out, I'm playing the game and having fun.

    So why don't you do the same as me and just PLAY ON 1.31, it's NOT HARD!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Araleya


      Exactly, it would be funny if the devs delayed it a day or so cause of the amount of spam about it @Bonnm

      Well, time to go have fun on tmp on 1.31.

    3. Araleya


      its good to the 1.32 complaints have died down a bit for now...

  10. So ive heard that tmp will be updated to 1.32 within the next 4 days.


    To be really honest with you ive prefered tmp being empty incuding c-d road. Because c-d has been so empty ive been able to gather quite alot more raw footage for my idiots on the road series and ive properly enjoyed the game and the multiplayer mod.


    But when it gets updated to 1.32 i know that when i get home from work and i want to go on to get some footage i wont be able to because it will just be stood still traffic like what happend last week every day even at the weekend.


    Since there has been less people the game mods are less stressed too because they have been able to keep on top in game reports and take part in more of there own or others convoys (i was in krewlex's convoy lastnight).


    But generaly this week on tmp has been one of the best weeks ive ever seen as it gave me the chance to see how much of a fun and enjoyable mod it really is.

  11. The fact that there is only just under 2,500 players im still finding people that don't know how to drive properly, I mean come on, learn to drive properly already!!


    Rant over have a good night, people.

  12. I say its been quite quiet on tmp these last few days, and might I say it been really nice I've been able to do c-d road as much as I please.


    People need to stop complaining about the game being updated to 1.32 like JUST DOWNGRADE ALREADY, it won't hurt you...

  13. A new video will be out later today, I'm just making sure I have them stockpiled in case I don't have enough time or footage one week to post a video.

  14. This is just not on! 
    By the looks of things, memes could be banned as we know it.

    1. KaitanFox


      This kinda confuses me, does it mean no one ever can post a meme without getting in trouble or only if you upload something like "Nicolas Cage Memes" to Youtube or something like that?

  15. Videos will only be every weekend now as I've got less time to play on my pc and make videos :wacko:

  16. My next video is out 


  17. A lovely 14 person convoy in ATS with me as Convoy front.


    1. PlacGhost


      Great Photo! I do Need start Joining in ATS Convoy's Never Really do them.... :)

    2. th3Imgurian


      Nice to see that there are still some people doing convoys/meet up's in ATS ^_^

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      nice photo and convoy :wub:

  18. Araleya

    Crash @ Calais

    I had a problem leaving Calais a few days ago as in crashing on EU2 as soon as I join the game from the queue. I highly believe it was due to someone with an incompatible paint job as when I was on EU4 I had no crashes.
  19. I Love this song and I love to always use it in my idiots on the road as a "to be continued" clip.

    If you listen to it at 14 seconds you will see what I mean, also have a great night truckers!


    1. KaitanFox


      Isnt that the song for the "To be continued" meme?

  20. Two Pony Princesses Playing Truckers Mp Together :D

  21. I know it's a little late after the event but here is my real operations event 5 video 

    I Really enjoyed this event, thanks @Digital^_^

    1. PlacGhost


      Great Video! :)

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang
    3. Digital


      Thanks for sharing! I love to see different perspectives of the event.

  22. Hope everyone has a great weekend :D!

    1. Shadii.
    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      have a nice weekend :) 

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Thx :) hope you have a great weekend too :)

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