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Veteran Driver VI
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About Osetaen

  • Birthday 06/06/2003

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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
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  • Known languages
    Turkish - English

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  1. Oh look, we share our brithday! Happy Birthday!

    1. DJ Jefferz

      DJ Jefferz

      How fun!! Happy Birthday!!

  2. Oh look, we share our brithday! Happy Birthday!

    1. Osetaen


      I wasn't be active for a long time. This cause i see your message now. Thanks for your good wishes, happy birthday to you too.

  3. That's a good idea. It will make it easier for players to learn about each other. In addition, I think this feature should be added to the game as we can complain about the players who do not obey the traffic rules more easily.
  4. It might be a good idea to add realism to the game.
  5. That's a good idea. I am sure it will add some more realism to the game.
  6. Good idea but not necessary. From the moment you start the game, there is already enough time to go elsewhere.
  7. A logical thought, it would be nice to add it to the game.
  8. If the players follow the rules, there is no problem. So there is no need for this.
  9. Ghost driving for the EU4 server is not a problem, because there is no collision. When you want to play the game in a realistic way, you can choose EU1 or EU2 servers.
  10. To me this is unnecessary. I understand that you want to drive alone, but I don't think anyone will try to locate you on the map to troll you.
  11. Actually it would be nice if added. But with the dlc of the flag we can already know. People who have not purchased can add an add-on.
  12. It would be really great if he had a game.
  13. Creative idea. It will work to find our friends more easily in the game. I think it can be added to the game.
  14. I support your idea. This plugin will make the game more realistic.
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