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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Rescue193uk

  1. Thank you for the follow ?


    1. RedNub


      Also, Thank you for the follow ❤️ ? Auuu @Rescue193uk

  2. Thank you for the follow ?


  3. Thank you for the update ? Keep up the amazing work ?
  4. thanks for the follow ?

  5. Thank you for the follow ?


  6. Thank you for the follow?

    1. Skycouto_


      You're welcome ♥️

  7. Thank you for the follow ?


  8. Thank you for the follow ?

    1. 'Furkan. [v8]

      'Furkan. [v8]

      You're welcome  ?

  9. Thank you for the follow ?

    1. LimeHatesLemons


      Not a problem at all ❤️

  10. I will be streaming the entire event on the official TruckersMP twitch channel from 3.45pm BST other time zones HERE Here is my award from last year ?
  11. Really looking forward to this. Looing awesome.......
  12. Thank you for the follow ?


  13. Thank you for the follow ?

  14. Looking really good, I like this idea a lot
  15. Thank you for the follow ?



      most welcome ❤️

  16. thank you for the follow ?


  17. thank you for the follow ?


  18. Thanks for the follow Andrew

  19. Thank you for the follow


  20. thank u for the follow ?


    1. Mystere


      You're welcome mate!

  21. What a great development I feel this is for TruckersMP. I feel that it has broadened the scope and potential enjoyment around the community. Sure some will not like it, or have reservations, but you get that everywhere with any type of change. I personally would like to thank all the Dev Team and everyone concerned in bringing this exciting Alternating Vehicles to TruckersMP. Sure there were a few bugs and impatient people eager to get into the vans, however I think some individuals have very high expectations and forget that this is all free and done by volunteers. Thank you all again.
  22. thank you for the follow?

  23. one follow buddy


    1. Fønix_TMP


      Follow = Follow 

      Im your friendly neigbourhood Notmeen *gets banned*

  24. thank you for the follow ?


    1. Bolts


      You're welcome, you too ?

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