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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by sko0923

  1. Just out of curiosity... Your computer specs should be able to run it, and you seem to have enough money (purchasing nearly all DLC's), so why are you still on Vista?
  2. As per other threads in the forum, they are about 10 days in backlog for the reports right now.
  3. No problem! Not your fault at all, and for a free mod you guys do an awesome job.
  4. Another alternative is register at www.worldoftrucks.com and on ETS or ATS, go to external contacts (where you would find freight market, but scroll down) and you Will find quite a bit of jobs going from each city. If you are playing with 1 or 2 friends, you're almost guranteed to get jobs going to the same place. The only downside (and why I don't use it), is it limits your truck to 90kph while you are on the job. If you don't like going faster then that anyways though, it's the thing for you!
  5. I would rather see server side economy come before this.
  6. Try reinstalling the TMP mod. That's pretty much only thing I can suggest, sorry.
  7. Instead of opting out of all betas try to specifically select version 1.27. Because according to the image above you are (or it thinks you are) on version 1.22.
  8. -1 It won't look like a car anymore, more like an SUV or a box on wheels. Also, this does not mean the proposed car won't cause as much issues. I would rather be wedged upwards and get 5% damage then get fully rammed from the back and get 50% damage.
  9. Sign in, where? On the TruckersMP mod load screen? Please be specific.
  10. I voted Duisburg. Always chaos (and bad drivers, of course :D) and there never seems to be an admin there for some reason, unlike in Calais, Rotterdam and Amsterdam. Maybe its just me of course, and I'm there at the times the admin's are not, but that is what I've noticed. Especially entering/exiting the service, oh boy!
  11. I like the suggestion, but you can just open it on your phone and use it there? no?
  12. Press 1, 2 or any other number like you would to transfer between first and third person view in your truck. This will bring you back to your other cameras. On a side note though, lately my free camera has not been working. I tried to look up what I changed in the config file but cannot find the correct line(s) to change, any advice?
  13. -1. ETS in my opinion is a game I can come in and enjoy regardless of anybody else, and without having to compete for everything. It is a fun game, and it is always that was no matter what happens (unless you get rammed of course). Hopefully you understand what I'm saying, I think it wouldn't be a very good idea to have players compete for in game ranks.
  14. One other tip, when you are on a motorway and somebody is pulled over on the shoulder (and especially if he has his signal on to merge back in), it is common courtesy in my opinion to switch lanes away from the shoulder (if it can be done safely, of course) to give the guy some room.
  15. Awesome! Will save me time from browsing the map when I am going for a drive.
  16. Yes, one steam account per Truckers MP account. Not sure why you would want 2 steam accounts to be linked though.
  17. Calais, good traffic, good view and road network, port, and one of my main garages is there.
  18. Go to ETS gameplay and find where the pedal meter is for your pedals. When you press it in there should be a bar that goes further down the.more down you press it. You can try adjusting it there. Alternatively, you can go to your wheels settings and try to adjust something similar there.
  19. It would probably be hard to implement. Who gets the profit from the job? How will they stop people from "stealing" your trailers at industries, before you can get to them to pick it up? Some more details will help me make my decision of giving a +1 or a -1.
  20. Go to your steam library, right click on ETS2, properties, betas, opt out of all betas.
  21. The jobs are different for everybody. They are not synced in any way in multiplayer (since it is a mod) so you and everybody else will be seeing all sorts of different jobs. What I do when I travel with friends is open the freight market and look to see if we have any jobs in common in the city we are at or any city near there. Then we can go travel to those cities or industries, pick up our loads all going to the same place, and meet at a set location. Sometimes though, even that doesn't work, so we have to pick a job to cities close by each other. We convoy together, then split at some point and everyone delivers their loads. Then we meet again at a set point.
  22. By internal jobs do you mean freight market? If so you need to sleep, or teleport (between garages or to service) for it to pop back in. There is also a more challenging method involving the code that you can find on YouTube by searching "ETS multiplayer no jobs fix". If you mean internal jobs as in from one city to the same city, you can try going to your settings and reducing your preferred job distance length meter.
  23. -1 There would still be chaos on the outside of where the new boundaries end. And people passing by on the road would think they are in a no collisions zone when they aren't and ram people.
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