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[FFG] Aidan|DaleAGaming

Veteran Driver II
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About [FFG] Aidan|DaleAGaming

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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Glasgow
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TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    Viva Trucking

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770 profile views

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  1. I can only assume that steam is open due to this screenshot (For people saying open steam)
  2. Thank you for this, love your guide!
  3. I'm no expert, but I assume you've set something on your singleplayer properties. Maybe you could specify the option you used?
  4. Hi, I use a Logitech Formula Force GP to drive. But the pedals don't "go all the way" what I mean is it does half the speed than its meant too. Is there any way I can modify? I'm willing to purchase another steering wheel/pedal combonation. But I am looking for a fix first, so before you go suggestion please do help me fix it.
  5. Smalley, in as Smalley from KX?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [FFG] Aidan|DaleAGaming

      [FFG] Aidan|DaleAGaming

      Lmao, Don't know if you remember me, I'm Aidan Keis haha. I hope we can put KX behind us

    3. Smalley


      I do remember you yes. I dont go on KX much anymore as its no longer up

    4. [FFG] Aidan|DaleAGaming

      [FFG] Aidan|DaleAGaming

      I don't go on it either, haven't for a while

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