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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/24 in all areas
33 points
33 points
@MartinPlaysCZ Report Moderator ➜ Game Moderator @DieseL. Report Moderator ➜ Game Moderator32 points
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@Blizzy87 Community Moderation Leader ➜ Business Analyst @ComputerGamingYT Report Moderator ➜ Business Analyst7 points
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Me and @GbmbRnmf @Cosmic Kishiro @Sharky999 @[MCG] MemeBundy were called to the local school district to rescue some students due to the school caught on fire. 5 Students are in the hospital and 163 students were rescue safely.6 points
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We will release an announcement in the near future that we will release an update very soon, soon-ish or as soon as possible. However, unfortunately we are unable to specify a date at wich we will release an announcement that we will release an update very soon, soon-ish or as soon as possible. Hope that wasn't too confusing, thank you for understanding, have a nice day and happy rac.. ehm, trucking.2 points
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You can find all the TruckersMP Team's staff changes in this topic, which is constantly updated by the respective management.1 point
Hi Suggestion Name: Ferry connection to Promods The great Steppe Suggestion Description: if I know it right, the region could be reached only with fast travel. Truckymods has created a mod (simple ferry connections) to reach the area from main area. Any example images: see link below Why it should be added: I mean it is a good idea to implement this mod in your promods-system to reach the area "normal". promods-great-steppe-ferry-connection1 point
Heya guys, it's @Leοn again with a new game for you! Explanation of the game: The first one is me, then another one writes if he knows me with yes/no. After that, the next player writes whether he knows the second player. And on and on like this: Player1: Yes, I know you Player2: No (Because Player2 doesn't know Player1) Player3: Yes (Because Player3 does know Player2) Have Fun! I'm taking the start. Do you know me?1 point
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Echo the replies above, all accurate. Just to add that it does stick out another 15~20cm compared to e.g Logitechs so be prepared to adjust your ergonomics accordingly. For myself I have to slide the monitor forward to see it more comfortably, then when moving the wheel out the way slide the monitor back towards the wall, but it then gives me a clear workdesk space.1 point
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Suggestion Name: Add (or replace the Bluebus Bolloré SE by) the Iveco Evadys Line 13m or Karosa 95x Pack Suggestion Description: Add or change bus vehicles for more consistency with the game and to better enjoy bus rides Any example images: No Why it should be added: It should be added because I think an urban bus for long distance and in a truck game is not consistency, and personally I don't always enjoy the fact that this urban bus can only go to 80 km/h. So for the consistency the Evadys or Karosa (in a way) are more adapted for long ride as they are interurban buses contrary to the Bluebus and this two vehicule can go at least up to 100 km/h, and it can be really cool for long journeys or for the Arcade servers players I think.1 point