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Veteran Driver VIII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by /:\D0NPR0MILL0/:\

  1. you have to buy this Trailer under Default Trailers or this one
  2. Do you have all the Files in the correct Folder not in ETS2MP it has to be in this Folder:
  3. Ok Ich denke das sollte dir bei deinem Problem behilflich sein **Ich habe einen "Profil-Migrationsfehler, HILFE! (Tun Sie dies nur, wenn Sie den Fehler erhalten haben...)** Befolgen Sie diese einfachen Schritte unten! > 1.) Öffnen Sie den Datei-Explorer > 2.) Gehe zu `<STEAM INSTALLATIONSSPEICHER>\userdata\<YOUR STEAM ID>\227300\remote\profiles\` > Der Steam-Speicherort ist wahrscheinlich `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\`. > - Ihre Steam-ID ist wahrscheinlich der einzige Ordner dort. > 3.) Verschiebe alle Ordner nach "Dokumente", "Euro Truck Simulator 2", "Profile". > 4.) Starten Sie das Spiel oder je nachdem was Du danch gerade vorhattest. Steam-Anleitung: <https://steamcommunity.com/app/227300/discussions/0/3216031607499417413/> Würde mich über deine Rückmeldung freuen wenn es geklappt hat
  4. It can have several causes. ongoing Background programs using unnecessary resources, bad network connection. Weak GPU / CPU / RAM are all factors to consider. It is therefore advisable to look in the task manager to see which processes are taking up a lot of resources and terminate them if necessary. (Please only do this if you are absolutely sure of what you are doing or get information via Google research etc.!!!) The MSI Afterburner is a useful little tool for GPU/ CPU/ RAM, FPS and much more monitoring, overclocking. Undervolting etc, but please use with caution.
  5. in 32 bit Mode its running without Issues with deactivated ForceFeedback in all Profiles. But when i Start in 64 bit with disabled Forcefeedback it crashed again and i have no Chance to Change something in Settings or anything else. Forgott to say i have no active Mods / Local Mods e.g and still crashes only in 64 bit Mode EDIT: Thx for Help and your Tip seems to solved my Problem for now and i hope it happens not again.
  6. I've had a problem for a few days that I haven't been able to solve to this day. After starting ETS2 in single player and multiplayer, the game crashes after a few seconds without any noticeable error message and ends up on the desktop. Troubleshooting in the crash log and game log has so far been unsuccessful. I tried several guides from the forum but without success. New profile created and even there exactly the same. Even Windows reinstallation with all the trappings. As I said, all guides from the forum lead to no success. The only error message I could find in gamelog so far looks like this: <WARNING> Unable to find alternative for device 'di8.'{D8522480-10F4-11ED-8001-444553540000}|{0E030EB7-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'', unable to fix its binding Although my software for the steering wheel is up to date and is also supported by the game, I don't get to the point of resetting everything to default to have the game recognize it again because the game crashes shortly afterwards. Google gave me a lot, but that didn't solve my problem either. I've tried to fix this error myself, but it persists and keeps popping up. If anyone can help me fix my problem I would be extremely grateful as I am at my wits end. Sorry if this Topic is in wrong Place
  7. R.I.P. My condolences to everyone who knew him. Family, friends, acquaintances, relatives he will be fondly remembered.

  8. SpeedyTMP R.I.P. My condolences to everyone who knew him. Family, friends, acquaintances, relatives he will be fondly remembered.

  9. If someone have a Account on EPICGAMES so Grab this Game for free: Saints Row®: The Third™ Remastered FREE on EPICGAMES

  10. Zu Bild 1 & 2 Dieses Overlay stammt von Trucky App Download hier zu finden The ultimate Virtual Trucker Companion. Knowledge Base
  11. Same Problem You have been kicked from the server. Reason: Invalid accessory set detected. Sorry, you cannot use this! (NetTruck)) AI Weekly Public AI Public not working
  12. There is a Way. Only Thing you need is a Sound Plugin that Works in MP and it doesnt brake the Rules. https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=211&t=165855&start=190
  13. Nantes
  14. Düsseldorf
  15. OMG So long Time waiting becomes an End. Nice Job Guys ??
  16. Indem Du deine eigene Spedi gründest z.b. hier https://www.sped-v.de/ und deine Freunde dort als Fahrer einstellst wenn sie sich bewerben. Oder hier eine Spedi gründen https://trucksbook.eu/ deine Freunde dann als Fahrer einstellen wenn sie sich beworben haben Oder hier eine Spedi gründen https://vtlog.net/ deine Freunde dann als Fahrer einstellen wenn sie sich beworben haben Oder als letzteres einer Spedi beitreten in der deine Freunde sind und zusammen dann im MP Touren fahren. Kleiner Hinweis am Rande. bevor Du deine eigene Spedi gründest lies dir am besten erst alles durch auf den jeweiligen Seiten um gut vorbereitet durchzustarten mit deiner Spedi. Es gibt mit Sicherheit noch mehr Seiten um eine Spedi zu gründen doch auf die schnelle fielen mir nur diese drei ein Ich hoffe ich konnte dir damit etwas behilflich sein.
  17. Euro Truck Simulator 2 - FH Tuning Pack Released!!  Euro Truck Simulator 2 - FH Tuning Pack

  18. Yes, that should work too, unfortunately I never bought with Paysafecard on Steam. Therefore I can not speak from experience whether and how it works. Maybe someone else has more experience and can tell you more about it. Let us know if we can help you with your question and help you get started with card expansions, mods in MP, etc.
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