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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by Almeida.

  1. Welcome back! I'm glad to see you again 🙂❤️

  2. Congrats and welcome back. 

  3. Happy birthday TheGoodGuy1515, enjoy your day. 🎂

    1. TheGoodGuy1515


      Thank you Almeida 😄

  4. Happy birthday ReacherK, enjoy your day. 🎂 ❤️

  5. Feliz cumpleaños El Kees! 🎂 ❤️

  6. Happy birthday Small Kai, enjoy your day! 🎂 ❤️

    1. Small Kai

      Small Kai

      Thank you,Big Boss

  7. Take care ZaroMW 😞 

  8. SA,


    Happy birthday, enjoy your day. 🎂



      Hey Almeida! Thanks for your message! ❤️ 

  9. Congratulations! ❤️ 

    1. .čanix


      Thank you Almeida! :HaulieLove:

  10. Congratulations Gullbrann! 🥰

  11. Feliz cumpleaños, disfruta tu día. 😍 🎂

  12. I can't wait but it's a shame I won't be able to participate.
  13. Happy birthday Vlotex, enjoy your day. 🎂

  14. Happy birthday Myrianna, enjoy your day. 🎂

    1. Myrianna


      Thank you! ❤️

  15. Happy Birthday issam ❤️

  16. Happy Birthday AOD ❤️

  17. Take Care Rowan. 😭

  18. Congratulations bigfan! You deserve! 😚

  19. Take care and I hope see you come back soon. 🙂 

  20. Congratulations and good luck with your training. 🥰

    1. ButtonUK



  21. Honestly, I wasn't surprised, I thought it was cool but nothing compares to a lorry or car or whatever being combustion-powered.
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