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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/23 in all areas

  1. @Fast-rider Event Team ➜ Support Trainee + Event Team
    47 points
  2. @Chris2306 Report Moderator + Support Team Leader ➜ Game Moderator + Support Team Leader
    32 points
  3. @Pauito. Game Moderator ➜ Retired Team Member (Left)
    9 points
  4. Earlier this year, a new server (Simulation 2) was introduced to cater to the apparent widespread needs of users to not be limited by a speed limit (see this blog). In addition, for all ATS-based servers and ETS2-based servers (except Simulation 1), the speed limits were increased to 150 kmh (93 mph), which is virtually limitless. Was this update this not known to you guys, is 150 kmh/93 mph not sufficiently high for you, or are you asking for the 110 kmh limit that applies to Simulation 1 to be increased c.q. removed because that is by far the most popular server? Setting local speed limits was considered earlier this year, but appeared difficult to achieve. Currently, road speed limits take priority over 'zone' speed limits (e.g., a city counts as a zone), however, the roads are not always properly defined in the game (by SCS) and so it is possible that you can be hit by a city speed limit on a road that it technically shouldn't apply to. There is a workaround for it, but that quickly becomes a 'maintenance nightmare' for our development team – which could halt progress elsewhere. Fortunately, those zone speed limit issues are usually quite short of duration, so all in all it shouldn't cause that much of an inconvenience. Although it is very understandable that it is not an ideal situation.
    7 points
  5. @JustGreg Player ➜ Junior Web Developer @Darkhej Master Player ➜ Junior Web Developer
    6 points
  6. 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐳
    4 points
  7. @Lamb Sauce III Player ➜ Game Moderation Trainee
    4 points
  8. @[ConSecGroup] Schulex Support Team ➜ Player (Left)
    3 points
  9. Olá Todos como estão? Tenho uma certa curiosidade em saber a opinião da comunidade portuguesa em relação a todas as novidades da TruckersMP tanto no sistema quanto em jogo, as que mais recebemos impactos foram as mudanças nas regras de moreração, a nova estratégia da equipe de moderação de jogo para tonar uma sistema mais eficaz para toda a comunidade, que pode ser visto neste tópico: Não para por ai vimos também que todo o layout e fonte do chat teve mudanças, agora suportando mais idiomas, podendo usar o mouse junto ao chat, ajustar a resolução do chat de acordo com a resolução do monitor e muito mais, visto neste tópico: Fora todas as mudanças de privacidade em bans tanto em jogo como no sistema, na qual os moderadores de jogo ficaram ocultos em reports, bans, kicks, apelos e etc. Agora deixo aberto a vocês, como vocês reagiram a tudo isso e qual a opinião de vocês com todas essas atualizações?
    2 points
  10. I told you guys about this Volvo Truck And how futuristic it look .... Take a look at this one .. Link
    2 points
  11. //Moved to Chinese help section - 帮助
    2 points
  12. Back in 2016, the TruckersMP rules required all users to follow traffic laws of the respective country. It was prohibited to ignore traffic lights and stop signals. Why was it changed?
    2 points
  13. The answer to your question about whether speeding can done in TruckersMP is, of course, yes. Speeding is no sorcery, everybody can drive fast. But speeding is never safe. The illusion to be in total control over one's vehicle at high speed can quickly turn out to be a serious misjudgement. Overconfidence and the believe to be more skilled than others are other negative factors which decrease safety in road traffic. Even the most skilled driver has his or her limits, and one of these limits is the lack of knowing other road user's driving behavior.
    2 points
  14. Indeed, Duisburg can be avoided by any player who doesn't enjoy high populated areas. But this is the paradox: many players intentionally drive there and afterwards complain in the forums about the horrible conditions. Then they suggest map editing, instead of simply avoiding what they apparently don't like. Naturally, gas stations can be reworked to better suit the high traffic volume. But it shouldn't be done just because some players are annoyed by it, if they could explore a huge map without any traffic issues.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. I can't speak for other members of the management, but personally, I find it challenging to engage in these conversations. The reason being, there's a group of individuals who offer criticism, but they often struggle to participate in constructive discussions without misrepresenting our words, making it seem like we're clueless about what we're doing. Every discussion turns into "them vs TruckersMP" scenario, which isn't helpful when the goal is getting answers to the questions. Honestly, I was hesitant to leave a comment here, but I still hold out some hope that some will reconsider this "them vs TruckersMP" mindset. We're all on the same side, all aiming for the growth and progress of our project. It just doesn't help when people jump to conclusions without in-depth knowledge and make assumptions. Hopefully this comment won't be twisted and misinterpreted too.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. @ColinShark Player ➜ Game Moderation Trainee
    2 points
  19. @Polyxena Support Team Leader ➜ Retired Team Member (Left)
    2 points
  20. @Nicokay9 Game Moderation Trainee + Event Team ➜ Report Moderator + Event Team
    2 points
  21. @NateDoggNZ Player ➜ Game Moderation Trainee
    2 points
  22. @kbuster77k Game Moderator ➜ Report Moderator @ChristmarDK Report Moderator ➜ Game Moderator
    2 points
  23. @bobi124 Game Moderator Leader ➜ Retired Team Member (Left)
    2 points
  24. @MatzeOnTour Report Moderator ➜ Game Moderator
    2 points
  25. @[GökBörü] Snap Dragon'TR Game Moderator ➜ Game Moderator Leader
    2 points
  26. @[ConSecGroup] xXJDTVXx Event Team ➜ Retired Team Member (Left)
    2 points
  27. My old pink ribbon. i love you. PRVTC 2023/10/12 Updated by CuteLynn ^^
    1 point
  28. Alright, Mr Instigator. Think whatever you want to think. Enjoy Raffalele's world; I, however, prefer to stay in the real world. You claim not to like us or our discussions, yet you consistently enter our conversations and provoke. After provoking, you then try to label us as the arguers. Talk about pot calling the kettle black. If someone's evidence is offline when it should be online, there is a likelihood that they will report it. Your solution is essentially the same as mine, so I don't see any reason not to allow mine. I'd say an automated way of indicating the ban's classification is preferable to requiring staff to include it in their comments. Two ways of implementing my request are as follows: Not asking for both, asking for one or the other.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Good luck in your new position.
    1 point
  31. congrats slow-rider. Let's see some fast support from you.
    1 point
  32. With the West Balkans DLC just around the corner, we are releasing the 1.48.5 Update for Euro Truck Simulator 2. We haven’t bumped the game version all the way up by a whole number, as this update is focused on some specific content additions as well as some under the hood maintenance with code-based improvements. With the West Balkans DLC on the horizon, we are hard at work behind the scenes, bug-fixing and polishing; making sure everything is in place for a smooth release. This includes tirelessly iterating over multiple databases with the world economy and route access topology, and sometimes implementing related code changes and cleanups. In addition to under-the-hood data changes, there are still some visible highlights of this update - the inclusion of new map content! Players can look forward to exploring the newly added city of Trieste, along with the updated cities of Ancona and Bari. These changes were previously described on our blog, so for more details, check out the dedicated articles here (Ancona + Bari) and here (Trieste). As you can tell, the ETS2 1.48.5 Update is an important step in preparing for the West Balkans release, as it brings with it not only bug fixes but also exciting new map content that will allow better connection to the new part of the game’s universe. However that isn't all, as there are some changes coming in this release that were not originally a part of the 1.48.5 Open Beta, including the fact that American Truck Simulator will also be receiving the 1.48.5 update later in the month too. This is because we are introducing 2 new changes which we believe players will benefit from. These are Faster Loading Times and an FPS Limiter. Faster Loading Times After an update, it has historically taken our titles a while to re-cache and update navigation data. Recently we were able to optimise this data and speed up the process considerably. Thanks to this update, the loading process is around 6 times faster! This also includes loading times for the company directory, which is loaded each time you start the game, which is 23 times faster than previous builds. We hope that you enjoy this small quality of life change. Frame Rate Limiter This was a feature that was quite highly requested by our community. This limiter is aimed mostly at those with a more powerful GPU. It was reported that when alt-tabbed outside the sim, GPUs would run at 100% since it was still trying to render the maximum number of frames possible. Because of this, we have placed a cap of 300 FPS to limit GPU usage, while not limiting most monitors. While this is still a bit experimental, we look forward to hearing your feedback. We hope you enjoy the little features and updates that 1.48.5 offers! We'd like to thank all those who participated in the Open Beta and helped us tweak and provided feedback. Your time and reports helped our team make changes that will benefit all players. We look forward to sharing more updates and changes in the future. Until then, keep on Truckin'! View the full article
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. How sad, to open another post to rail against TMP after the main one has been closed, The purpose of this post is to bait people to argue, that's what trolls in forums do, beware people! they will most likely try to bait/make reports against you
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. @itsPeanutttt Player ➜ Game Moderation Trainee
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. @Dylаn Game Moderator ➜ Retired Team Member (Left)
    1 point
  42. 1 point
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