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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/23 in all areas

  1. [REPORT MODERATOR + TRANSLATOR] @NexusMEISTER has been promoted to Game Moderator.
    23 points
  2. [PLAYER] @nicokay9 joins the Event Team.
    20 points
  3. [GAME MODERATOR] @Der Joey leaves the team due to personal reasons.
    5 points
  4. - Travelling in France - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 points
  5. [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @Caernage leaves the team due to personal reasons.
    3 points
  6. Saludos camioneros, ¡Es hora del regreso del Torneo de TruckersMP! ¿Crees tener lo necesario para ganar? El Torneo de TruckersMP se caracteriza por tener algunos de los retos más competitivos en ETS2, incluyendo nuestra pista de aceleración personalizada, circuito de noqueo de conos, circuito de carreras, y algo nuevo este 2023, el circuito de tierra. Asegúrate de colocar un recordatorio en tu calendario para el 11 & 12 de Marzo a las 16:00 UTC Click aquí para más zonas horarias.(El servidor abrirá a las 15:00 UTC) El torneo verá a cientos de camioneros asistiendo, cada uno trayendo su experiencia de corredor detrás del volante para obtener el prestigioso título dorado - Campeón del Torneo. Este evento es famoso por su acción a alta velocidad, volcaduras, accidentes, saltos, y derrapes. Es un evento el cual no querrás perder. ¡Haulie Island estará de vuelta como el anfitrión del evento más competitivo de TruckersMP! Para poder llegar a nuestra propia Isla, tendrás que tomar las conecciones de ferry desde Europort o Hull. Nos hemos asegurado de que el precio del ferry sea bueno y accesible para todos. El evento consiste de cinco rondas esparcidas sobre dos días, cada uno con su propio reto único. Cada ronda tendrá a algunos corredores llegar al éxito, mientras que algunos serán desaforutnadamente eliminados. ¡Debes estar disponible a lo largo del evento para poder participar! Día 1 - 11 de Marzo Ronda 1 El primer evento consistirá de carreras de aceleración, con ocho jugadores compitiendo en cada carrera. Aquí están los requisitos e instrucciones de cómo entrar: Estar disponible desde las 15:00 UTC - Click aquí para más zonas horarias. (La primera carrera de aceleración empezará a las 16:00 UTC). Ser capaz de leer Inglés (para leer las instrucciones del evento). Conectarse al servidor TruckersMP Tournament 2023. Asegúrate de tener tu camión con el tanque lleno, reparado, y preparado para el primer evento. (Hay una estación de servicio y de gasolina en la Isla) Reunirse en Haulie Island usando las conneciones de ferry en Europort o Hull. ¡Por favor asegúrate de estar familiarizado con las reglas del evento antes de participar! Ocho jugadores serán seleccionados de la cola (se atenderá por orden de llegada) para competir en la pista de aceleración. La cantidad de jugadores calificados dependerá en el número de jugadores que participen. Por ejemplo, si 216 jugadores compiten, solo la mitad calificará, lo cual significa que los 4 de los 8 más rápidos en cada carrera calificará. ¡El número máximo que pueden competir son 432 jugadores! Después de concluir con todas las carreras, los 108 jugadores más rápidos calificarán a la siguiente ronda. ¡Si no pudiste calificar, tal vez haya una oportunidad adicional para ti! Si un jugador calificado no está presente en el evento, seleccionaremos aleatoriamente a un subcampeón, si es que está en línea. Ronda 2 ¡Para todos los que calificaron para el campeonato, este es tu gran momento! Es hora del infame evento de noquear el cono, el cual pondrá a prueba la velocidad y frenado. ¿Qué tan tarde te atreverás a frenar? Si calificas, por favor asegúrate de estar en línea a lo largo del evento ya que empezaremos a colocarte en diferentes eventos al mismo tiempo que el primer evento. ¡Aquí hay un vistazo rápido de lo que puedes esperar! Habrá una carrera de práctica solamente para que puedas sentir la posición de los conos al final de la pista. Tu objetivo es noquear el cono delantero (marcado por la primera de las dos líneas blancas) SIN golpear los dos conos traseros (marcados por la segunda de las dos líneas blancas). Si golpeas los conos traseros (o cruzas la segunda línea) serás descalificado. ¡El primero en golpear el primer cono pero no el segundo es el ganador! Día 2 - 12 de Marzo Ronda 3 Cuartos de Final El segundo día empieza con nuestro nuevo circuito de tierra. ¡Este empezará a las 16:00 UTC! Click aquí para más zonas horarias. (El servidor abrirá a las 15:00 UTC) En años anteriores hemos tenido retos de estacionamiento; sin embargo, este año decidimos cambiar un poco las cosas y reemplazarlos con un circuito de tierra. Este circuito tendrá sus propios retos como curvas cerradas, pendientes, y un terreno duro de conducir. Ronda 4 Semi-Final ¡Felicitaciones en haber llegado tan lejos! ¡Ahora tendrás la oportunidad de correr en nuestro codiciado Island Racing Circuit! ¡Correrás contra otros seis jugadores en nuestro circuito con tu posición inicial siendo juzgado por tu tiempo en el Circuito de Tierra! ¡Los tres primeros en ambas carreras calificarán para la final! Ronda 5 Final ¡Estás en la final! ¡Esta es la última carrera de la serie y has podido sobrellevar (o frenar) la competencia y no te irás con las manos vacías! ¡Sobrevive esta ronda para ser coronado el Campeón del Torneo! Las carreras serán transmitidas en el canal oficial de Twitch de TruckersMP! Recompensas Calificado ¡Cada calificado en la competencia recibirá un premio de perfil único! Finalistas Si consigues posicionarte en 2do o 3er lugar en la final no te marcharás a casa con las manos vacías. 3er Lugar - Gift Card de Steam de 5 EUR + DLC de Mapa de tu preferencia. 2do Lugar - Gift Card de Steam de 10 EUR + DLC de Mapa de tu preferencia. Campeón del Torneo Ser coronado Campeón del Torneo también te otorgará las siguientes recompensas: Premio Exclusivo de Campeón en tu perfil, para que puedas lucirte. Gift Card de Steam de 25 EUR+ DLC de Mapa de tu preferencia. Los gift cards se convertirán automáticamente a tu moneda local en Steam. -Equipo de TruckersMP Ver publicación original
    2 points
  7. Greetings truckers, It’s time for the return of the TruckersMP Tournament! Do you think you have what it takes to win? The TruckersMP Tournament features some of the most competitive challenges in ETS2, including our custom built drag strip, knock the cone, racing circuit and brand new to 2023, the dirt track. Ensure you set a reminder in your calendar for the 11th & 12th of March at 16:00 UTC Click here for more time zones.(The server will open at 15:00 UTC) The tournament will see hundreds of truckers attending, each bringing their racing experience behind the wheel to reach for the prestigious golden title - Tournament Champion. This event is famous for its high-speed action, spin-outs, crashes, jumps, and drifting. It is an event you truly don’t want to miss. Haulie Island is returning as the host of TruckersMP’s most competitive event! In order to get to our very own Island, you will need to catch the ferry connections from Europort or Hull. We’ve ensured the price of the ferry is nice and affordable for everyone. The event consists of five rounds spread over two days each with its own unique challenge. Each round will have some racers succeed, while some will unfortunately be eliminated. You must be available for the entire event to enter! Day 1 - 11th March Round One The first event will consist of drag races, with eight players competing in each race. Here are the requirements and instructions on how to enter: Be available from 15:00 UTC - Click here for more time zones. (The first drag race starts at 16:00 UTC). Able to understand English (to read event instructions). Connect to the TruckersMP Tournament 2023 server. Ensure your truck is fully fuelled, serviced, and prepared for the first event. (There is a service station and fuel station on the Island) Meet up at Haulie Island using the ferry connections at Europort or Hull. Please ensure you're familiar with the event rules before participating! Eight players will be selected from the queue (first come first served) to compete in a drag race. How many players qualify depends on how many players attend. For example, if 216 players compete, only half will qualify, meaning the fastest 4 out of 8 from each race will qualify. The maximum number that can compete is 432 players! After all of the races are concluded, the fastest 108 players will qualify for the next round. If you didn't qualify, there may still be an opportunity! Should a qualified player not turn up for their event, we will randomly select a runner up, should you be online. Round 2 For everyone who qualified for the championship, this will be your big moment! It’s time for the infamous knock the cone event which will see a test of speed and braking. How late do you dare to slam on? If you are qualified, please ensure you are online throughout as we will start to place you concurrently alongside the first event. Here's a quick overview of what to expect! There will be one practice run only, so you can get a feel for where the cones are at the end of the strip. Your aim is to knock the front cone (marked by the first of the two white lines) over WITHOUT hitting the back two over (marked by the second of the two white lines). If you hit the back cones (or cross the second line) you will be disqualified. The first to hit the first cone but not the second is the winner! Day 2 - 12th March Round 3 Quarter-Final Day 2 kicks off in our brand new dirt track. This will start at 16:00 UTC! Click here for more timezones. (The server will open at 15:00 UTC) In previous years we’ve had parking challenges; however, this year we decided to change it up and replace it with a dirt track. This track will have its challenges like harsh turns, hills, and one tough terrain to drive on. Round 4 Semi-Final Congratulations on making it this far! You will now get the chance to race on our coveted Island Racing Circuit! You will race against six other players on our track with your starting position being judged by your finishing time on the Dirt Track! The top three from both races will qualify for the final! Round 5 Final You're in the final! This is the last race of the series and you've managed to outrun (or brake) the competition and you will not leave empty handed! Survive this round to be crowned the Tournament Champion! The races will be streamed on the official TruckersMP Twitch channel! Rewards Qualifier Each Championship qualifier will receive a unique profile award! Finalists If you make it 2nd or 3rd on the final you won’t go home empty-handed. 3rd Place - 5 EUR Steam Gift Card + Map DLC of your choice. 2nd Place - 10 EUR Steam Gift Card + Map DLC of your choice. Tournament Champion Being crowned the Tournament Champion will also grant you the following rewards: Exclusive Champion Award on your profile, for all of your well-deserved bragging rights. 25 EUR Steam Gift Card + Map DLC of your choice. Gift cards will be automatically converted to your local currency via Steam. -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. ETS666 Monthly Convoy #17!
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. 1 point
  15. Suggestion Name: Add Zoom Crash Fix and a compatible background map in ProMods server while using ProMods TGS Suggestion Description:Because of the crash while zooming in the map in ProMods server. It is caused by the game is running out of buffer. And if you are using other map mods besides ProMods Europe and ProMods Middle-East Add-on, you need these 2 mods, or the game will crash. Zoom Crash Fix: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2701258039 A compatible background map: ProMods High Quality Map Background: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2485894487 The load order for these mods: Zoom Crash Fix (Optional when only play without ProMods TGS) ProMods High Quality Map Background (Optional when only play without ProMods TGS) ProMods Middle-East Add-on (Optional) ProMods Europe ProMods TGS (Optional) Any example images: None Why it should be added: It will cause the game crash. Best Regards, 30maes
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Kilka dni temu zostały dodane nowe zdjęcia z ETS2 do Steama. Można na niej zobaczyć 4 odświeżone Niemieckie miasta w tym Nurnberg które nie zostało potwierdzone na blogu. Jak widać Szwajcaria po staremu więc raczej brak w 1.47
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Probably most of those are double accounts , but anyway still a big number.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Event Team and Add-on Team (and anyone else involved) for their hard work and dedication in creating Haulie Island for the upcoming Tournament event. As a long-time member of the TruckersMP community, I have seen first-hand the tireless effort the team puts into delivering the best possible experience for its players, and it certainly shows through with these type of events! Creating an entire island for the upcoming event is a huge undertaking and it is clear that the team has put in a lot of hard work to ensure the event is a success. From the detailed map design to the intricate road network, it is clear that no detail has been overlooked. I am incredibly excited to watch and possibly participate in this upcoming event. It is a unique opportunity to see some of the best drivers in the game compete in a unique environment, and it will be interesting to see the strategies that drivers employ on both activities and the final race, all to compete for the top spot of tournament champion. I am also looking forward to the unique challenges that the island will present. From the drag strip and challenges to the newly added dirt track, I am confident that the tournament will be an exciting and enjoyable experience for all
    1 point
  25. It's been a good while since i've done one of these , I decided to revisit Hanover!
    1 point
  26. this is very beautiful
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. also, what is really important is the number of unique players, which is much lower than the number of registered accounts; the number of registered accounts is not relevant
    1 point
  29. The important thing is not an increase in the number of players, but an increase in the number of good players.
    1 point
  30. 嗨 卡车司机们, 当我们回顾多年来所建立的令人惊叹的社区时,总会有一种巨大的成就感涌入心头。TruckersMP在2014年5月初运营的时候,一开始是天方夜谭,当时的团队从没想过它最终会变成如此庞大的规模。Truckersmp最初由一群热心的Euro Truck Simulator 2 玩家们在2013年首次推出,他们希望能够借此获得更加逼真、沉浸式的多人游戏体验。模组在游戏社区中很快就赢得了大量的人气,TruckersMP团队多年来一直在开发和改进模组,增添了许多新的功能和维护游戏更新。TruckersMP在本月达成了惊人的新里程碑:5,000,000 注册用户。这一成就证明了TruckersMP团队的辛勤工作与奉献精神,以及热爱卡车的热心社区,是他们,才能使模组取得了如此成功。 我们曾在2021年2月时庆祝用户达到了4,000,000 - 所以在如此短的时间内获得100万玩家真的是非常壮观。自那时起,我们一直在为大家带来令人兴奋的内容,例如属于自己的工作调度系统 , 建设HQ总部以及我们与DBus World建立的合作伙伴关系。我们想要向所有继续在玩TruckersMP并在日常交流中与我们互动的玩家们道声感谢 - 社区是我们工作的核心,如果没有你们,这个项目就不会存在。借此机会,也向我们的团队表示感谢,他们为项目付出了大量的时间与精力。没有他们,我们在这里所做的一切都是不可能实现的。 ‌您可以通过点击观看我们的视频来纪念这一时刻。 ‌ 当我们达到这一令人印象深刻的500万注册用户的里程碑时,我们想花点时间来庆祝并感谢整个TruckersMP社区的持续支持。我们期待在未来能够继续开发和改进模组。您的反馈和参与调查 & 投票激励着我们继续发展我们所热爱的社区。谢谢! ‌ -TruckersMP 团队
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. [PLAYER] @Shadel has joined the Add-On Team.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @Ulog has been promoted to Report Moderator, whilst remaining part of the Event Team.
    1 point
  36. [Player] @BaKingPL dołącza do zespołu jako członek Add-On Team
    1 point
  37. Type of event: Official TruckersMP Tournament Server name: TruckersMP Tournament URL to the thread: Organiser: TruckersMP Date and hour of the event: 11th March 2023 15:00 - 21:00 UTC + 12th March 2023 - 15:00 - 21:00 UTC Participants: 100+ Event rules: For day one the server will have collisions enabled to allow for the queue system in place. Each lane on the drag strip is seperated by a barrier. For day two the server will turn it into a freeroam server with collisions disabled to ensure each participant is given a fair chance. Racing participants will also be exempt from the following clause when actively racing: §2.5 - Reckless Driving (Racing other players) Cars are not permitted for use on the tracks, drag strip or knock the cone. (Except for Event Staff) You must use the same truck throughout. So pick wisely. Trailers are not permitted beyond the signs stating where they are not permitted. Participants connected to the server must remain at the designated event location. Free-roaming elsewhere will result in removal from the server. Please use cities around the ferry sites of Hull and Europort to spawn in. Judgement given by staff regarding the event is final. If they deem you to have crossed a line this is FINAL. Participants must follow all instructions given by staff. Failure to comply/respond will result in disqualification from the event. If you are Away From Keyboard (AFK) for your designated race, you will be disqualified. Sufficient notice for the upcoming race will be given. Spectators must not enter the designated event arenas, or otherwise interrupt them. This will result in a ban from the network for the duration of the event. Spectators should refrain from bringing trailers to watch the event. All additional TruckersMP rules will apply (https://truckersmp.com/rules). Notably: §2.1 - Hacking/Bug/Feature abusing - Will result in a permanent ban from the network.
    1 point
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