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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/15 in Posts

  1. [MODERATOR] , RayRay5, Sysgen, Ozgur and Cooper's Freightmaster have been promoted to Ingame Admin.
    20 points
  2. Do you want to become In-Game Admin? Read our "how to"! Hey truckers! We are looking for new global moderators to ensure the observance of forum's rules! Check the requirements and send your application. Requirements: - Min. 17 years old - Good knowledge of English - Min. 75 posts - Min. 10 likes - Good behaviour Send your application here: http://goo.gl/forms/5dgpXIVm3U End of recruitment: 11/30/2015 Good luck to all the applicants!
    3 points
  3. You can find all the TruckersMP Team's staff changes in this topic, which is constantly updated by the respective management.
    2 points
  4. Podobno trza dawać relacje w spojlerach bo lepszy docisk wtedy na forum jest więc się dostosuje :E
    2 points
  5. Konwój z firmą Blue Trans Spedition !
    2 points
  6. Пока моя коробка в очередной переработке, но одну из вариаций таки покажу. Вот из чего я решил творить. Ну и пока сырой вариант после внутренних переделок выглядит так.
    2 points
  7. Czas coś wstawić Te spoilery niszczą wątki.
    2 points
  8. Hello, To solve this problem you need to go to the ETS2 folder in My Documents, Profiles, select you profile folder then open the config.cfg. After that search line "uset g_force_economy_reset "0" turn the number 0 for 1. Enter the game, go to drive,save the game and turn down, go other time to change that line and put now to "0". Ready yoyr problem have solved. I hope help you. Goodbye
    2 points
  9. [iGA] KacaKTV has stepped down as admin however remains on as support.
    2 points
  10. Let me know if you have any questions etc.... https://www.youtube.com/user/kundarsa/videos
    1 point
  11. Dear players, As some of you may have noticed, over the last few weeks, some of the Game Moderators have taken to twitch to improve contact between players and the Game Moderator team. Streams can vary in times across any day or week. Links to each of the streams are below. https://www.twitch.tv/TruckersMP_Official https://www.twitch.tv/Kat_pw https://www.twitch.tv/Krashnz https://www.twitch.tv/djCJMAXiK https://www.twitch.tv/Krewlex https://www.twitch.tv/LadyAndromedaa https://www.twitch.tv/MrSirViking https://www.twitch.tv/Speedy_TMP https://www.twitch.tv/Lasse0001 https://www.twitch.tv/SchakBruijn_TMP https://www.twitch.tv/Raymond_TMP https://www.twitch.tv/Cyberskilzz_1 https://www.twitch.tv/Patriktanki_TMP https://www.twitch.tv/OwenTMP https://www.twitch.tv/JamesS014 Happy trucking! TruckersMP Team
    1 point
  12. Как вы знаете, в МП иногда попадаются не слишком адекватные водители, а постоянно писать видео не слишком удобно, хочу предложить способ как записать именно тот момент который вам нужен. 1. Для начала вам нужна программа MSI Afterburner. Сайт http://gaming.msi.com/features/afterburner(прямая ссылка на последнюю версию http://download.msi.com/uti_exe/vga/MSIAfterburnerSetup.zip) 2. Устанавливаем, во время установки будет предложено установить RivaTuner Statistics Server, соглашаемся, далее перезагрузка. 3. Запускаем MSI Afterburner и RivaTuner Statistics Server. 4. Заходим в настройки и ставим автозагрузку при старте виндовс, кто хочет можно поставить отображение фпс\температуры\и т.д. На вкладке захват видео ставим настройки как на картинке. 5. Теперь при заходе в игру начнется предзапись видео в память, при нажатии Ctrl+F12 начнется запись видео в файл, при этом туда добавтся предыдущие пару минут. При активной предзаписи будет отображаться крутящийся круг и надпись BUF При нажатии Ctrl+F12 начнется запись видео и надпись BUF исчезнет. Вот видео записанное таким образом, запись видео была начата после столкновения, но так как включена предзапись все действия нарушителя попали в кадр
    1 point
  13. If you can't be bothered to read all this, a quick easier (older) version is in the spoiler tag at the bottom. I had a better one nearly finished but my Ctrl key got stuck and somehow the tab got closed... File Locations: All Files you need are located: "C:\Users\username\Documents\TruckersMP\logs" If you can not find it search for TruckersMP on your computer. The files you should care about are the chat and spawn logs: Examples: chat_DD_MM_YYYY (example: chat_29_12_2014) log_spawning_DD_MM_YYYY (example: log_spawning_29_12_2014) What is required: Evidence: Video is best but pictures are also possible for some offences such as insulting or inappropriate tags. For other offences, you must provide a video. Evidence should contain /pinfo or in other way show without a reasonable doubt who was involved, the name of a user is usually enough. Chats: If it is a chat issue (like they where consistently swearing, insulting, etc) you can take a picture of the chat. Videos work too but a picture can hold a lot of words for a smaller size. 2 ways of doing this and they are: Threw the in-game picture capture function. This requires you to stop, if you do this route do it in a safe spot like a no collision zone (any repair shop, loading depot that offers or takes cargo to users, or garage). If you can not get to a NCZ pull over in a safe spot out of the way of other drivers. Threw a third party software which does not require you to stop. Most game recording software has a capture option. Most common is Fraps, however, there is also Dxtory, OBS (may or may not work properly). An Admin mentioned 2 others but the topic they posted them in seemed to of vanished. Driving Offences (like Ramming): Videos are best for driving offences because it shows the user doing the offence. As stated above for chats the 3 programs mentioned will do in game capture. To save bandwidth and time you can use programs to edit your videos time. Easiest to obtain for such a reason would be Windows Movie Maker. Might not be the best program but it works and is basically going to work on any windows system from xp on. For issues like blocking abandoning their trailer etc pictures will work. Just make sure you have the users name being displayed in game. Users TruckersMP ID: You first need the users name in game. You should always have the players name enabled in-game. The TruckersMP ID can be gotten from the spawning log. Open the log and use the search/find (Ctrl+F) function. Search the users name and compare it to the time of the incident. Reason why, is because you might find another user in game with the same name. The TruckersMP ID is after the "|" as shown below Example: Then head to http://truckersmp.com/reports and fill in the form with the perpetrator's TMP ID For Videos all you need is the TruckersMP ID from spawn logs or ingame (/pinfo) The good News? No bad Driver goes unpunished. The Bad News? Sucks to be the Bad Driver
    1 point
  14. > OUTDATED < You can find the latest version of this guide here: https://truckersmp.com/kb/27 Hello truckers! "How to become game moderator?", this is a question you might have been thinking about. This topic will contain an answer to that question and some general information that might interest you. First of all, being a game moderator isn't just about driving a police car. A few of you might be reading this topic solely to find out how to drive a police car. This version of the car is only reserved for staff members with game moderator permissions such as our game moderators, managers and developers. Driving a police car is not the main purpose of a game moderator (will be using "GM" as an abbreviation in this topic). It's only an additional perk of the rank. The duties of a GM are not just flying over the map and randomly kicking or banning users. The rank of a GM comes with a great responsibility. A GM deals with various duties on our website and in-game, including website reports, in-game reports and ban appeals, judging what is right and wrong. Every GM is chosen with great care to ensure maximum quality. As of January 2018, there is open GM recruitment, however there is no plan to open it very often. As you may have noticed, GM's are mostly selected from within our current team. To be specific, you need to join our team as another rank in order to get selected for a promotion to GM. Not everyone gets the promotion, there are various of reasons why they are not selected. If you join the team with the aim of being a GM, you are most likely to fail that. We want people to join our team with a big interest in their section of which they applied for. If you are doing well, a Game Manager might notice you and offer you a promotion if they are needing more GM's. It's your choice to accept or decline that if you prefer to remain in your current sub-team. Here is a summarary for the two different paths you could walk to become a GM, see below: Step 1 - Join the team as another rank (Support, Moderator, Media). Step 2 - Work hard, do your duties as you are supposed to and be nice. Step 3 - Offer by GMM to join GM on a trial period. The second option is the following: Step 1 - Make sure you have no bans, good forum activity and good behaviour Step 2 - Once GM recruitment opens, apply to join and make sure you fill your application out with good detail. Step 3 - Invite to an interview, chat with GMMs Step 4 - Training period with both GMMs and GMTLs. Step 5 - Trial Period of 2 months. Some tips and advice we can give you: - Never ask to become a GM, this decreases your chances to become one. - Don't contact anyone about your candidacy for a position as GM. - Don't join the team with the sole aim of being a GM, you will most likely fail to achieve this then. - Don't ask when other recruitments will open. + Do your best if you are selected for another role in the team, do your duties and get noticed in a good way. + Practise your skills of the English language, this will be your main language as GM. + Obey all rules on the forums and in-game, having a ban or warning point decreases your chances. + Be active on our forums, get known in our community and give others a positive impression about yourself. Some related questions Q: Do I need to have both ETS2 and ATS if I would be a GM? A: No, we recommend you do but this is not a requirement. Q: Is being friends with other staff members giving me an advantage? A: No, we select new GM's based on their activity, behaviour and skills. Everyone has an equal chance of being selected. Q: I'm not really interested in the forums, can I skip being a moderator first? A: No, we require you to participate in discussions and the community. It is important to know how our community works if you want to be on the TruckersMP team. Q: I'm never chosen in a recruitment, what can I do? A: Not much, free spots on our team are limited and many are interested in it. Try to improve and try again during another recruitment session. Q: I speak {language}, there are no other GM's who speak this language. Can I become GM right away? A: No, you still need to follow all steps involved. We are not giving someone the GM rank for the language only. Q: I have a question that is not mentioned here, who should I contact? A: Send your question to the feedback, we will try to answer your question as soon as possible.
    1 point
  15. Рация Zello! Канал: ETS2MP_RUS1 TS3: vzello.nlhst.com Приглашаем опытных и добрых виртуальных водителей Euro truck simulator 2 и American truck simulator. Для участие в клубе, не нужно: покидать компанию, девушек, друзей и сон, достаточно всего лишь общаться, делится новостями с виртуальной дороги. Вы всегда можете присоединится к общению и совместной перевозке грузов. "ETS2MP_RUS" и "ATSMP_RUS"3 - Каналы в Zello клуба [В]Zello 1 1ВНИМАНИЕ!!! ИЗ ЗА БЛОКИРОВКИ В РФ СЕРВИСА ZELLO ДО МОМЕНТА ВОССТАНОВЛЕНИЯ РАБОТЫ, МЫ ПЕРЕШЛИ В TeamSpeak3. Адрес сервера: vzello.nlhst.com Общение водителей, события, истории, РП, переговоры дальнобойщиков, приключения, квесты, подарки.--------------На канале запрещено:Черезмерный мат;Агитация виртуальных компаний; Выяснение отношений;Приглашать в другие каналы ------ Доброе общение, спокойные и честные администраторы, и главное домашняя атмосфера. Cсылка на канал http://zello.me/cc/9a155a88 Публичная страница http://vk.com/vzello
    1 point
  16. Moved to Help Section.
    1 point
  17. Wydaje mi się ze obrazek jest skopiowany z ostatniego konwoju Bo My tez jesteśmy a ja jeszcze z ludźmi nie gadałem
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1. Wzór Sugestii 2. Jest na to modyfikacja, modyfikacje w becie, resztę chyba słyszałeś. 3. Uczysz się innych języków, łączenie przyjemnego z pożytecznym, po co to niszczyć.
    1 point
  20. Biegi góra/dół. Edit/ tak są tylko dwa pedały, gaz i hamulec
    1 point
  21. Tak jak już ktoś wyżej wspomniał - GeForce Experience i opcja Shadowplay. Oczywiście dla posiadaczy nvidii od 660 wzwyż. Zaletą jest możliwość nagrywania w tle i zapisywania ostatnich kilku minut tak żeby nie zasyfiać dysku, tylko w przypadku jakiegoś zdarzenia zapisać ostatnie kilka wybranych minut.
    1 point
  22. Trollers are always faster than you
    1 point
  23. Virtual Spedition, po naszemu Wirtualna Spedycja czyli najprościej mówiąc firma.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Niestety ale dzieje się tak również na SP i wątpię że mwl mógłby cokolwiek z tym zrobić. Raczej trzeba z tym pójść do SCS - u. Autozapis robi się automatycznie co jakiś czas (sama nazwa mówi - "auto"). Scroll Lock jest domyślnie przypisany do robienia quicksave - a.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Hi Taken from the solutions page - http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/15129-common-problemsquestions-please-read-before-posting/ Step 1) Go into your Steam Library, Right click on Euro Truck Simulator selecting 'Properties' Step 2) Navigate by pressing 'Local Files' tab and clicking 'Browse Local Files' Step 3) Once the directory opens, copy that directory into your setup as the directory of Euro Truck Simulator 2 The directory this shows is where you install the Multiplayer mod as it uses the original ETS2 files to launch and play the game. Hope this has helped. Regards
    1 point
  28. Chyba, że poprzedni właściciel będzie niedobry i wszystko usunie i wystawi na sprzedaż "gołą" ciężarówkę
    1 point
  29. Lo de Gorkal1ty es cierto. El texto no tiene sentido, ni siquiera en español. Las sugerencias efectivamente ya fueron hechas. Y la de suprimir los demás servidores es inconcebible.
    1 point
  30. ^ O podrias esperar y ver si las regalan. El año pasado hubo un evento, si completabas los requisitos, te ganabas un DLC Raven Paintjob (O algo asi). Sin ofender, pero creo que te preocupas mucho por un detalle menor ^^U Lo importante es que pueden reunirse en un servidor multiplayer, (Algo con lo que se soñaba hace unos años). Disfruta del juego, y si ven al color de tu camión como "pota de bebe" sonríe! No muchos tenemos el privilegio de pasar un buen rato con los amigos
    1 point
  31. Recomiendo reportar a los 3 usuarios para darles un bonito ban xd
    1 point
  32. Do konwoju dołączyła Firma RISA. Witamy
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. [TRIAL SUPPORT] Lemmonez, Frankie, El1teZombiezHD, McGamer , , Spectro, Wapsie, Zelcrum promoted to full support.
    1 point
  35. Nu recomand această firmă, stresantă rău.
    1 point
  36. Zdecydowanie polecam OBS (Open Broadcaster Software). Możesz nim nagrywać i streamingować. Dodatkowo ma tzw. overlaye, czyli takie dodatki jakie możesz nakładać na wyjściowy obraz. Co najważniewjsze - program jest darmowy!
    1 point
  37. Mikson: Last Active Nov 15 2015 20:45. Myślę że może poprostu niema czasu na zabawe z tym teraz.
    1 point
  38. z całego serca polecam Firme World Express !! jak dla mnie jedna z najlepszych firm w Ets2 . złóżcie podanie zobaczycie uroki firmy od środka
    1 point
  39. Milo czytac taki temat ze sa chetni do normalnej jazdy nawet w wirtualnej rzeczywistosci Swoja droga z wlasnego doswiadczenia zauwazylem ze zdejmujac noge z gazu mozna napotkac bardzo ciekawe widoki ktorych przy 110km/h nie zauwazamy Osobiscie jezdze maks 80km/h na autostradach a landowkami kolo 70. Jak to ktos kiedys powiedzial "prawdziwi kowboje jada z tylu, przodem puszczaja bydlo"
    1 point
  40. Ten temat to tak troszkę wygląda jak ogłoszenie matrymonialne Aczkolwiek nie powiem - z chęcią nie raz bym się przyłączył, ale niestety nie mam czasu ostatnio na tą grę ...
    1 point
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