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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Axorell

  1. Taking a quick break from staff duty w/ @-XCE-  :wub:







  2. How sweet of @BL4CK$K1LL to show up in the middle of my long delivery route. Always nice to drive with friends :lol:



    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      It was nice to explore Italy with you ^_^ 

  3. Thank you for the ride last night @BL4CK$K1LL :wub:




    1. Lonelychild
    2. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      You're welcome mate :wub: Was a really great trip ^^

  4. Finally the snow has disappeared, so we all can more safely bring the load to it's destination without getting stuck in the snow
  5. This is a good and very well created guide! You seem to have put some time into the images However, you could've additionally showed us the "Voice Volume" slider. This slider is to increase/decrease the receiving sound from the CB. I learned one thing, which is from step 2. That would be the on/off button. I didn't know that there was one until today.
  6. Happy birthday, John! :mlg_doge:

    1. Beau.


      Thank you Axorell! :D

  7. Congratulations on becoming a TGMO, John!

    1. Beau.


      Thanks Axorell! 

  8. I'll be ending my night with this picture taken from Lithuania with fAITH_ . I've had some Damn Stressful couple of weeks with lots of stuff pushing on my mind. :RIP:


    I hope you've been feeling alright lately!



    1. TruckerJ
    2. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Nice Scanias Axorell ;) 

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      nice photo and trucks :wub:

  9. Grats on full GM!


    Btw you have birthday the same day as my grandmother - which is also 2 days after me :thisisfine:

  10. Happy birthday, Darwen! You're still young even though you've just turned 20. ;) 

  11. +1 This will allow people to see who support the community financially. Howeverm I see something that could change. On the TruckersMP profile site - instead of "Donator" being in "Rank" it could either be a line of text under your name saying you donated, or say "DONATED" with a css background box infront or at the end of the name.
  12. Happy birthday, I wish you a great day!

    1. [WT] AlexXX

      [WT] AlexXX

      Thank you very much!

  13. 1 - will we ever break the previous record?
  14. This could be an interesting little thing to see being added into the mod. It's also not gonna be worthless time spent on adding it, seeing as everyone manage to crash or flip their truck, or drive into the barrier infront of the toll stations etc etc, in most of the areas I go to. The question is; is it even possible to do this?
  15. Seeing as it's possible to cheat in billions of money and xp, there's no way this would work out. If you've been rammed I highly suggest you get yourself a recording software which has the "Instant Replay" feature, or PlaysTV (I've not personally used this). Try making the clips as short but informational as possible for the admin to quickly handle your case.
  16. Hello again, Then I would suggest you to create a ticket in hopes of a developer or similar to get in touch and solve this issue you're having. / Axo
  17. Hello, - Have you tried uninstalling the TruckersMP Launcher and then reinstalling it again? You can do so here: C:\Program Files\TruckersMP Launcher\unins000.exe - Have you tried verifying integrity of game cache?: 1) Right-click ETS/ATS in the list of games and select "Properties" 2) Goto "Local Files" and click the "Verify integrity of game cache..." button 3) Make sure you wait untill it's done before seeing if your issue is solved. This process may take several minutes. I hope these basic suggestions may solve your problem. We'd love to hear back from you. Sincerely, Axo
  18. Better late than never:wesmart: Thanks for the ride and joy tonight @Keezome@NickThe0ne & @Maverick [NO]. I also want to congratulate @NickThe0ne for turning 18 today! giphy.webp


  19. Thx for making it a great night @Keezome & @NickThe0ne :mlg_doge:


    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      very nice photos :wub:

    2. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Blue Scania looks great ;) 

  20. Thanks for the follow! :D

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