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Veteran Driver II
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About pandablunt

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  1. pandablunt

    Police npc

    Suggestion Name: Police NPC Suggestion Description:If possible, add the police npcs to the game, I know you going to say sync and stuff but i'm sure it's possible, not everyone has to sync just local, I DONNO i dont make this stuff just a "suggestion" Any example images: none Why should it be added? they stick on speeders and charge them more and more, get more recklesss drivers out the way maybe? just better with more traffic!!
  2. Suggestion Name: Rammers Have To Pay Suggestion Description: if someone hits you, and you lose 40%, and you are traveling 120k, it blows, let us either repair the trailer for cheap or charge the guy that rammed or something along the lines of making the guy at fault PAYYYYYYY Any example images: none Why should it be added?: Make people multi play, instead of single play
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