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[NL] CooleChriz

Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by [NL] CooleChriz

  1. Good choice, Maby people will understand everything better if it is in it own language.
  2. Wauw that looks very good!!! I will also animated backgrounds because it looks nice, but I can not make it so i have to search it on the web But have not yet started with it
  3. Nice to see the progress of the new DLC, Can't wait until the release of this DLC. I will buy it straight away after release!
  4. Hello everyone, Nothing to see here but i would say only hello!

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      hello and have a nice weekend :) 

  5. I think the translate team will not come back, main reason is that amost every staff member helps with translate if it is needed, That is what they told to me.
  6. Good idea, the look of the UI have a basic design and adding themes or just make a own theme that you can download and add would be nice.
  7. For me the old categories was easier to use than on Uper staff niveau. But let hoop it will be beter after all.
  8. Topic Title: Feedback - TruckersMP TruckersMP ID: 1323083 URL: https://truckersmp.com/feedback Server Time / Date: 28-08-2018 20:00 UTC+2 How to reproduce: Not posible. Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36 Screenshots/ Videos: http://prntscr.com/knxiow - http://prntscr.com/knxl3w The "Last reply by" is not displayed correctly. On a new ticket, it is argued that the last reaction was made by a staff member, but it is not claimed yet and at a closed ticked where Scar answered as last, that I would have answered as last.
  9. You are wrong! you have a give away sign on your side so people from the highway have priority. and the priority is on every country different so look at the signs is my best tip!
  10. +1 As seen above the work on it. so i hoop they will add it very soon. If your TMP login leaked on some way you can always login to TMP ingame anyway. So Steam have then no more value.
  11. +1 For this idea! For me it does not realy matter, I useally turn CB completely off because i don't use it anyway.
  12. I hoop sometime to join a 'real event' event without a kick....... Because i was a time joined, somebody need to crash into me and so i was kicked and the guy wo crashed in my not.... With that reason i don't want to join that event anymore, because the admins kick people who do nothing wrong....
  13. That i never saw this topic before! That your rank change every 'x' post i know, but it's nice to see which ranks there are. There will be a long way to the 10000 posts for me
  14. I have it filled in yesterday. Good luck with al the answers and improvements!
  15. For me the follow languages: - HTML - CSS - PHP - SQL - JS (A bit, want to learn it more) And i realy want to learn: - Java
  16. It looks clean for me! And it looks weird if i see it on this way because you don't see the screen edge on a screenshot
  17. A nice Feature, Only sad that it don't work on the TMP client itself. Because if your password will leaked for some reason they can abuse your account on the client with all the consequences for me as account owner.
  18. Very nice and clear guide, I'm not really a beginner but there were even useful tips for me! Specaily the part of oncoming traffic in a intersections.
  19. Ik heb ergens op forum gelezen dat het mogelijk met de volgende TMP update komt. Dus ik verwacht pas met de 1.32 update die er nu aan zit te komen ;(
  20. Congratulations Pillow! Good luck with your new job!
  21. Pillow waarom heb je #Dutch verlaten op Discord?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tfmpillow


      Ik heb daar zo mijn redenen voor. Als je mij in het vervolg iets wilt vragen, stuur me dan een vriend verzoek en DM me. Ik heb prive berichten geblokkeerd van mensen die niet bevriend zijn met me, dus ik heb je niet persoonlijk geblokkeerd.

    3. patjealmere


      Beide lukken niet kerel, daarbij we waren vrienden en nu niet meer blijkbaar..

    4. tfmpillow


      Dan is dat erg spijtig. 

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