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Driving Force GT Wheel Degrees Issue





Been a while since I've touched ETS2 MP because I have an outdated version of the launcher although I downloaded it just then. O_O


Anyway that's not the issue, its the game in general. My Driving Force GT wheel is used to drive. If I turn 90 degrees, it does it but it goes past the wheel. So if I hold on 90 degrees turn, the wheel will turn 90 degrees and over and continue until I resume my wheel back to 0 degrees. It's damn annoying, Please help!

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20 answers to this question

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Can you show the "Controllers" menu in game options? There's a chance that you've selected wrong controller type. Also, you can adjust the range of the wheel in either Logitech Profiler, or in the test page after pressing "Settings" button. You can also set 900 degree angle by pressing cross button while holding START + SELECT.


If you want to ask anywhere on forums whenever 32-bit version of MP will be supported in future, try to start GTA V on your 32-bit machine before checking game's system requirements.

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How to fix sudden steering issue on your USB steering wheel

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Have you bound in keyboard controls your wheel to turn left and right (where A and D is)? Try checking there, your wheel shouldn't be bound to left and right, only the other buttons probably should (I bound my pedals there).

Helped ya? Why not giving me a reputation point? Thanks!

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Cheers for assistance guys but I have a feeling you guys don’t understand the issue I’m in. I tried to elaborate but it’s one of those technology funny things you can’t explain haha. I’ve made a short clip.



Watch how I turn the wheel 75 degrees and the ingame wheel just automatically goes around ignoring my idle 75degress position.


The wheel is useable and can drive normally but I never can do even 90 degrees turn because my wheel does it automatically. 


All my control settings are on Standard/default, only the sensitivity is changed because default sensitivity is fucked.


Ignore my dirty desk, need to clean it :)


Thanks All


Edited by Ser Valence
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@Ser Valence, from what you've provided it seems that you have set "Joystick, Gamepad" controller type in "Controllers" menu of the game settings. Can you show the screenshot of said menu? With such screenshot we can check if the setting about control type is correct. 


If you want to ask anywhere on forums whenever 32-bit version of MP will be supported in future, try to start GTA V on your 32-bit machine before checking game's system requirements.

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How to fix sudden steering issue on your USB steering wheel

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It has to be something with the settings IMO. I've used the same wheel and had no problems at all. Go to the Keys/Buttons settings and make sure to "Unassign" all related to steering, accelerating and braking. Then, in Controls, you need to assign each "axis" to the wheel's steering, accelerating and braking. I used to have steering sensivity at max, non-linearity minimum.

Some screenshots (I'm using a G27 now, but most general settings are the same)




Here, you'll need to change H-Shifter to Automatic or Sequential. If you choose Automatic, you may want to look into the "Adaptive automatic transmission", to make it be more "Eco" or more "Power" aimed.





This is where you assign your wheel and pedals. It should be something similar to that, just click on the control you want to assign and then you move the wheel or step on the corresponding pedal.





These are the keys you need to have unassigned. For Shift up and Down, you can assign them to the stick in the DFGT, the wheel's side pads or just leave them if your going to use automatic gearbox and prefer the keyboard.





These are my settings in the Logitech Profiler "device global settings" (I'm not sure what it will be in English, mine is in Spanish).

Try these and if your problem is not solved, we'll keep searching 

Edited by FernandoCR [ESP]
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I had this same problem. I downloaded Logitech Profiler Software then I made a profile for EST2. (http://support.logitech.com/en_us/product/driving-force-gt/downloads  From this website you can download LPS)
Here are my options in Profiler:




When I started the game my DFGT had only 180o. Then I was back to "Default settings" and it start working.

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@Ser Valence It' normal. Maybe try change "Engine Vibrations" of coure if I good translated this. Look on my settings. You have vibrations because your DFGT is in straight position. If you know what I mean. When you do little turn right or left you'll haven't vibrations. You can change Profiler's settings if you want. I made this setting for my self.







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Hello @Ser Valence,

Are the answers above enough? 

Please let us know. 


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