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Thanks <3


All i understood was point 1 and 3

Idk what 2nd one is


Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), both of which are frequently referred to as 'SSL', are cryptographic protocols designed to provide communications security over a computer network. Several versions of the protocols are in widespread use in applications such as web browsing, email, Internet faxing, instant messaging, and voice-over-IP (VoIP).

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Уважаемые разработчики,что это за ненужные обновления? После обновы фпс упал на 20 кадров. Сделайте и реализуйте дым с трубы когда заводишь,при переключении передач,в нагрузке и в горку. А то не чувствуется что это симулятор. Спасибо


Dear developers, it is unnecessary for the upgrade? After the update the fps dropped to 20 frames. Make and implement the smoke from the pipe when the plant when changing gears, and load up the hill. And it does not feel that this simulator. Thank you

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