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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Rom_Knight

  • Birthday 09/26/2003

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    North Greece
  • Interests
    Greek player
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Dortmund
  • Known languages
    Greek, English

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  1. Hey dude.

    You like Kirby right? :P

  2. Guys where i can find Java JRE 7? Im opening the website and says that is no longer current. I founded it while searching on google, i manage to accept it on Java SE ru7 80 but when i clicked the Windows 64 Bit, it requires to register on Oracle. Help?
  3. Looks like the new TruckersMP doesn't contain the date folder any more. I will look for this a little bit. But since there isn't any data i cant do nothing ;(
  4. Suggestion Name: A option or a command in Menu or chat. Suggestion Description: That sees the controls in Multiplayer . Any examples images: (Not image but I have a proof so please read this): Yesterday when I'm was some Km before Duisburg and there was traffic jam, somebody said: Why I cant see the names. Why should it be added?: It will help a lot the peoples what they should press for chat, disappear the names, disappear and chat and voice chat. (Btw what is the key for Voice chat? V key is now replaced) I think its important Note: I think it created but from me and only a reply.
  5. I want the TruckersFM page in my live_stream (sorry lost it again)

    1. Shovali


      I want to be admin ;)


      welcome to the club

  6. Επιπλέον είναι ευκολο και να βγαλεις λεφτα και ΕΧΡ αλλα μονο με Μοds.
  7. I finally get minecraft story mode and the dlc.

  8. I already suggest it. However, I think its good idea if there will be another non-collison zone if Rotterdam Service Trucks is so full.
  9. can somebody give me a link TruckersFM to play ETS2MP and ATSMP?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Creatured


      it is in the game by standard

      just use the ingame radio and press update from the internet

    3. London  Truckers.FM

      London Truckers.FM

      What @Creatured said! We're already featured in the in-game radio :) all the best

    4. Rom_Knight
  10. EX News (I made the news just for me :P) (PS: Don't look it as a report, I'm saying it just for fun for me. :D)

    I have amazing news about yesterday at Sunday midnight's roads before the border from Belgium to Germany for Duisburg and Dortmund. There was about 40 players. Many of them was trying overtaking other players and ramming. I learned a rule that overtake players if you aren't near of them. Make sure that you have to ask for them before its too late or: http://imgur.com/a/TujID

  11. If someone is ok PM for help for the RAM, plz tell me it here!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rom_Knight


      I need help of the game that doesn't run so much. The more details i will put it of someones PM me or ask me now

    3. Stefaaa


      How much RAM you have?

    4. Rom_Knight
  12. I finally get American Truck Simulator. But my laptop is still not fixed! So i need to wait for now! :/

    See you guys on the road! :D

    1. Shovali


      :) hope is will fix fest :) 

  13. My laptop got black screen. :(

    Probably will be fixed in 5 August in Thessaloniki. Now im on holidays. For now, I will use my phone. :P


    So I need leave ETS2MP Communiry for now


  14. Ok this time i have a ping problem again and this time is exactly pretty important than my old one. Ok everything started when i leave Vodafone and i go into Cosmote (internet) and exactly Cosmote its one of the best iternets in Greece. After i join the internet and wi-fi, i tried join ETS2MP server EU#2 but i had almost 1200ms ping. I confused so much because it can't be true a very fast internet had this problem... i test the speedrun it was said i had 1200ms Download speed 0.27mbs, and upload speed 0,04mbs. But i exactly confused when i try another computer, i go to speedrun.net and tested. Well here is the most confusing thing, Ping said it was about 32ms, Download Speed 2,34mbs and Upload Speed 0,27mbs. It can't be truth that my internet in my laptop is so slow, and the other one is pretty fast. Can you guys help me how to fix it, because its pretty confusing.
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