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Suggestion Name:  Know When An Admin Responds to your report

Suggestion Description: When you report someone you never know if the admin got it witch they probably did but there's always some worries. This could produce that and know if that area is safe because there's an admin watching that player. So when you report someone and an admin responds to it a little MSG in the chat box says ''Your Report Is Now Being Looked At''
Any example images:  ----No----
Why should it be added?: To know when and admin responds or doesn't responds to your report

  • Upvote 1



I agree with this idea, but would it case users to tempoarily behave because an admin is watching? The message should only appear for the person reporting if it is added. Hopefully global kick/ban messages will be added back soon, so you can see who gets punished. I can't disagree on this suggestion though. 


Signature made by Aestrial


yeah the red ban messages are rather entertaining.

but i quiet like indeed a little msg if and what punnishment the person gets u reported.



^^^ Well everyone should be aware that the Admins need to see evidence so people will need to not spit there dummy out because that guy got away.

Pro Twitch Streamer > Clashin_Jon.png                                                     




They could also add to this how many admins are on the server in the TAB menu

No, because people will complain if there are admins online and no action is taken+ people will add IGA's on steam.

And.. we aren't online in "secret" then, people will go behave better and we can't ban the trollers.


I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind..


Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.


No, because people will complain if there are admins online and no action is taken+ people will add IGA's on steam.

And.. we aren't online in "secret" then, people will go behave better and we can't ban the trollers.

Okay, isn´t it better if you keep the trollers behave istead? Take speed-cameras for example, there´s almost never a camera in them, but people slow down. You don´t have to be FBI, it´s better if the trollers are not there than first ramming, then beeing reported. Then an admin comes and can´t do anything as this is alreaddy happend...

I admit, it was a messy post, but you get the point.



When you see there's a cop right ahead, you won't go making doughnuts around him, right?

with quick enough car and putting a sticker over ur plates,why not? :P

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The doughnut pig car is just addon, its not related to admins' ability to spec players

You dont get this, do you? If i´m a troll, and i know a admin is online, then i wouldnt troll. Easy. Thats why it´s good to have a place in the TAB menu to see if an admin is online. You can turn this and say "Then the trollers could see theres no one online" If it´s true that you have admins around the clock, then it will only be good for admins.




Yeah that's because that guy is near you when he is kicked and an admin arrived very fast after your report.

But sometimes you don't get so lucky.

Once I met a troller in EP blocking roads and going wrong way for more than 5 minutes. Reported many times but no kick and it ended up with he drove away.....

-- One banned troll means one sad troll. Conserve banning. The trolls will appreciate it.






Actually when you make a report and an admin takes action to the report you've made, it gets displayed, only for you anyway.


I did a report for a guy that was doing 60km/h in reverse on the highway, and when he got kicked I was able to see it.



What was his name? :) 


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